Chappie (2015) - A Failure!

Ever since ‘District 9’, Neill Blomkamp’s films have been kind of my favorites including ‘Elysium’, a well-balanced action sci-fi, but his latest ‘Chappie’ is simply a failure. If you look for action sequences, there’s surprisingly rare, and it’s very embarrassing. If you look for something deep like consciousness or morality stuff, you’ll be let down as well, coz it’s actually pretty shallow. Everything comes so cheap and easy without struggles at all that it looks ridiculously awkward and preposterous.

‘Chappie’ is a film that tells jokes like bad (good) guys aren’t necessarily bad (good). They can turn good (bad) this second, and then bad (good) again the next; like it’s okay to use violence to teach violent people that using violence is wrong. Sure there’s a lot more for you to find out. Still if you’re bored enough to want to get teased, this is a film for you!


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