Alien - The Scariest Movie Of All Time

 (1979) ★★★★★

The Exorcist is considered the scariest movie of all time, but I’d rather pick this one. It really scared the shit out of me when I first watched it. It did leave me an after-burn of what I think I saw. Just like Director Ridley Scott said, the most important thing in a film of this type is not what you see, but the effect of what you think you saw. Though it’s called Alien, it’s not the alien that scares you the most. It’s the backdrop of a lonely spaceship floating in the creepy deep dark space, where on one seems to hear or care about your scream for help when you’re in danger. The crew die one by one. You think you saw the murderer, but you didn’t. You never did till James Cameron created more and let you see what it’s really like in Aliens. Gross scenes can never make a scary movie the scariest. They’ll only make us sick. The scariest feeling is always like something you can’t see, but you know it’s coming to get you.


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