Seven - We're Not Right And It's Not Fine!

(The scariest part of Seven) (1995) ★★★★★ I should’ve done this long time ago, but it was so hard for me to talk about this almost perfect film in crime thriller genre. It was so mind-blowing and thought-provoking that I was exceedingly stunned and speechless after viewing back then. It still strikes me so after all these years just recalling it. Seven is a great movie due to David Fincher’s ingenious direction; outstanding performances by Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey; Andrew Kevin Walker’s excellent screenplay; and of course Howard Shore’s impressive original music. It has a very emotional opening and a jaw-dropping ending. What happens in between is so called seven deadly sins (gluttony, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and wrath) triggering seven gruesome homicides committed by John Doe. Detective Mills calls him a lunatic, nothing but ‘a fucking T-shirt, at best’. We think he considers himself more like a preacher than a sinner in that decadent society, bu...