
Showing posts from December, 2012

財神到 (2010) - 並不爛

★★★☆☆ 又因工作關係,看了〈財神到〉。一看戲名,心想:又是一齣胡鬧的爛片子。看了影片的頭 15 分鐘,感覺自己好像猜對了。但繼續看下去,卻發覺,它並非想像中那麼爛啊!〈財神到〉集合中、港、台眾明星,是典型賀歲片格局,可是它並沒有典型賀歲片那種 offensive 、「無哩頭」的搞笑(可能對象是大陸觀眾吧)。確切說,它是一齣溫馨的政治正確的劇情片。說到政治正確,多數人都會嗤之以鼻,但我覺得,如果是一些導人向善的政治正確, why not ? 〈財神到〉由三個故事組成。每個故事都有啟示。第一個故事:做人應該只求付出而不求回報,所謂因果不爽,是你的終究還是你的,就算你不求。俗話說,是福不是禍,是禍躲不過。是福同樣也躲不過,不過各位要懂得以福積福,而不是貪圖享福,貪圖享福的果報就是墮落。如何以福積福呢?學財神,適當地派錢嘍。第二個故事其實是一個愛情故事,有點老土,但又道出了一個很多人都知道,但卻不太願意接受的事實:真的愛對方並不代表要擁有對方。第三個故事由財神總管(譚詠麟)親自說法:與其派錢,不如教人賺錢。不知何解,這讓我聯想起中學時期的一條校訓:勞而不獲者有之,未有不勞而獲者也。種瓜得瓜,任何東西,都是要自己去爭取的。 菩薩修行,佈施第一。佈施有三:財施、法施、無畏施。慷慨施財,能讓你得到更多的財富;教人正法、導人向善,能讓你得聰明才智;關愛安慰他人,令人遠離恐怖,能讓你得健康長壽。其實,你不用向外求財神給你財富,你自己就是自己的財神,只要你肯行佈施,錢財福報自然來找你。這是生命的秘密,但相信這個秘密的人不多,肯真幹的人更是少之又少啊!

Taken 2 (2012) - Tired Of It All.

★★☆☆☆ ‘ Taken ’ is a fast-paced, gripping story of well choreographed actions. ‘Taken 2’ is to me very unnecessary, but you know since Bryan (Liam Neeson) has to kill so many to get his daughter taken by notorious human traffickers in the first place, ‘Taken 2’ seems so inevitable. An eye for an eye, that’s their logic. This time, it’s not his daughter being taken. It’s himself and his wife. The way he teaches his daughter to locate him by using grenades is interestingly ingenious anyhow. How those bad asses seem to approach him, get him, and treat him is, however, nonsensical. No way they’d be that careless and lenient while coming up to such a tough and skilled master like Bryan. And the problem above all is, its actions, thanks to the swift cutting, are such a headache. The physical fights are no longer enjoyable but of nausea. If you think ‘Taken’ is terrific enough, then don’t ruin your memory by seeing this one. Truth is, revenge is never sweet. That’s why Bryan says in...

小桃的奇幻手紙 (2011) - 不要誤解

★★☆☆☆ 發行商拿它跟〈 千與千尋 〉做比較,我想說的是,這不是一部奇幻歷險片,而是一部講述人與人之間,從誤解走向了解的溫情片。假如你抱著看家庭親情片的心態入場,這部動畫片應該會讓你很窩心。一個其實很簡單的故事,片長卻是兩個小時,可見其節奏是何等緩慢,少一點精神和耐性,都可能在中途睡著或離場。影片再次告訴大家:你所見到的,永遠只能是真相的一部分;你無法看清事實的全部,你只看到你想看到的。佛陀說過:我說的法,如手中沙;我未說的法,如地上土。同樣道理:你看的,也如手中沙;你看不到的,卻如地上土。不要總覺得他人是錯的,因為你自己也不一定就是對的。 故事涉及鬼怪,但在戲中他們都是善類,因為他們,小女孩最後才認清了事實,那是一種緣分。現實生活中,經常聽到有人說見到鬼。從佛教的角度看,鬼和人一樣,都是六道的眾生之一。人怕鬼,鬼也怕人,人不想見到鬼,鬼也不想見到人。但有時,我們會和他們 crossover ,那都是緣分和心念在作怪。心念偏邪,就見到三惡道(包括鬼)的東西;心念偏淨,就見到佛菩薩之類的聖者。所謂 Be careful what you wish for ,小心你的心念!

End Of Watch (2012) - A Police Story So Close To Reality.

★★★★☆ ‘End Of Watch’ tells an exhilarating police story in which we ride with two LAPD officers Brian and Mike played by Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena to fight crime around dangerous neighborhoods. They’re like partners, brothers and family. They tease each other, socialize with each other, and watch each other’s back. In a film like this, you’d somehow have a feeling that one of them is going to die in the end for sure. It’s just that you don’t know which one. Yes, your guess is right, but still the ending is kind of a surprise. This film is so much like a reality show filled with nauseous elements of chases, shoot-outs, arrests, and of course offensive language delivered by ruthless scumbags as well as the police. Dirty words are so inevitable right from the beginning to the end. Forget it if you can’t stand it. Since it’s so close to reality, or say, a documentary and viewed from various angles by different types of cameras, you feel like you’re not just watching it hap...