
Showing posts from August, 2015

Foxcatcher (2014) - Dreams Could Hurt Sometimes!

★★★★★ Director Bennett Miller’s true story-based ‘ Moneyball ’ is one of my favorites in rent years where a baseball team GM loses his last important game but wins in relationships. It’s moving and quite of an inspiration. Here in ‘Foxcatcher’, Bennett introduces another turnoff sport to some, wrestling! But just like what happens in ‘Moneyball’, it’s not really about the sport itself. Rather, it’s about a seemingly calm but mentally troubled wealthy man played by Steve Carell having lived under the shadow of his family traditions, trying to live up to his own character and prove that he’s anyhow capable of what he’s been dreaming of. As you might’ve learned, it ends up a tragedy. Again, sad enough, it’s a true story. ‘Foxcatcher’ truly has its own stylish cool pace of telling a dark chilling story where characters are given tremendous space to show off acting. It doesn’t rush at all. It takes its own time, but instead of feeling bored, you'll feel involved and terrified f...

進擊的巨人 (2015) - 哇,你想點啊?

★☆☆☆☆ 層層的謎團、精采的劇情、立體的人物、激昂的配樂、熱血的動作、更深一層探討生存的意義,生命的價值,〈進擊的巨人〉動畫絕對是近年的動畫經典,沒有之一!但,動畫成功並不代表真人版電影就能順理成章,相反,是一塌糊塗,亂七八糟! 其實電影的劇情大可跟從動畫,稍作濃縮即可,但不知點解,硬要大改,還加入額外角色,搞到關係亂了套,教人看得不是味兒。或者你會說,最好不要與動畫比較,但電影的開章格局又好像假設你已經是動畫粉絲,事情的發生說來就來,不作任何鋪排解釋,真的不知他想點;就算堅持改動劇情,那也要改得好才得,但這個〈前篇〉人物個個好像佈景版,沒兵長這個重要角色已經令人激氣,新加入那位甚麼隊長,全程 chok 著,臉掛淫笑,毫無魅力性格,你想點啊;劇情薄弱,節奏失控,去到中段更令人產生錯覺,以為在看甚麼日本情色片,你又想點啊;而最重要的特技斬殺場面,真的真的好假。人在空中飛,跟〈蜘蛛俠〉比,真的好假。那些巨人,跟十幾年前〈侏儸紀公園〉裡的恐龍比,又真的超假。話說〈進〉都算是大製作,點解不做好點,認真點,唉!真的不知他想點 …… 或者日本仔真的動畫一流,一把動畫拍成真人電影就變九流了!而這套〈進〉更可堪稱是九流之中的九流!未看的粉絲可免,以免看到中途噴血暴斃。看了而又未被激死的,〈下篇〉可免,除非你是自虐狂!否則還是期待明年開播的動畫版第二季吧!

Terminator Genisys (2015) - It Shouldn't Have Been!

★☆☆☆☆ The thing is, there really shouldn’t have been any more Terminator films after T1 and T2 , which are like James Cameron’s babies that can’t possibly be reborn, reboot, or remade successful again! T3 and T4 are redundant and preposterous! So is ‘Terminator Genisys’, aka T5. It tries to refresh the characters by changing what already happens in T1 and T2, but in vain. They’re all cast wrong and paper-thin. It mixes up more than one timelines to allow things to go any way it wants without contradictions, but what makes sense or not is none of my concern anymore, coz the whole film’s truly an embarrassing joke rather than a serious plus a bit melancholy piece of sci-fi action cinema, like the classic T2. T5 jumps back and forth in time to want to change what already happens, just like our undisciplined mind constantly does indeed. Is the past totally irrelevant? No, it is not, but the so called past is nothing but made-up memories of our emotions. To a disciplined, focused m...

暴瘋語 (2015) - 正常與瘋癲

★★☆☆☆ 人之所以有痛苦,是因為無可避免要活在虛妄的相對當中。我們說話、思考等等都需要一個參照物,也就是相對的概念,例如當你說某人痴線,其實你是在暗示某人正常,而當你說某人正常,其實你是在暗示某人痴線,那到底這位某人是痴線或正常,是沒有人知道的,包括他自己。由於真相無法判斷,所以我們通常跟大隊,多數人認為正常或正確的事情,就是正常或正確的,反之亦然。由於我們的價值觀只是一種相對的虛妄,所以它是常變的。昨天認為對的,今天就可能是錯的;今天認為錯的,明天就可能是對的。如果當全世界的人都覺得因果輪迴是假的,唯我堅持是真的,那到底我是痴線還是正常呢?會不會有離言絕慮的真理呢?如果你還在問類似的問題,你就還是活在虛妄的相對當中,簡單說,你依然是痴線的! 〈暴瘋語〉故事本身平鋪直敘,就算最後的所謂「扭橋」,其實中段過後,明眼的大概也能猜得一二,因此也沒甚麼驚喜。劉青雲無可發揮,黃曉明不會演戲,最印象深刻的還是出場不多的鮑姐!〈暴瘋語〉說精神分裂,探討正常和痴線的問題,正如我所說,探討這類問題最終都是沒結果的。一個人是否正常 ( 或所謂的有精神病 ) ,完全視乎你站在甚麼立場角度去看。當一個人做或說一些跟大眾預期不符的行為或言語,我們就說他是不正常的,但不要忘記,這種正常與否都是相對的,在他的眼中,我們同樣是不正常的。別人的不正常可能就是我們的正常,我們的正常可能就是別人的不正常,無論如何,在佛的眼中,我們都是瘋癲的,當然我們也會以同樣的眼光去看佛──佛正常嗎?我們又在重複虛妄的問題了!