
Showing posts from March, 2016

葉問3 (2015) - 見好就收吧!

★★★★☆ 原來最重要的是身邊的人。這是葉問從第一集打到現在,打完一大輪終於感悟的說話。不過,最後能覺悟也好過某些人糊糊塗塗過完一生,到死都不知人生為何,又或老土的講,人生中到底甚麼最重要。財富?地位?名利?如果以上種種能夠換來「死得安樂」,我會毫不猶豫去追求,但事實是否如此?死其實並不可怕,真正可怕的,是在邁向死亡的最後那段路上你不得安樂,可能現在你還年輕健壯,有氣有力,有野心 ( 可能只是貪心 ) ,有夢想 ( 可能只是幻想 ) ,根本無法、也不會去想像那個嚇人的場景,但假如你花些許時間去想想,可能你會比葉問或其他人早點覺悟,好處就是你的人生會過得瀟灑開心點,你的身邊人同樣也會歡樂點,而你死得安樂的可能性也大點! 〈葉問 3 〉我覺得是整個葉問系列中最可觀的,尤其欣賞其動作設計,真心覺得袁和平設計的比洪金寶過癮,對泰仔,對泰臣,對張晉,都打得有姿勢有實際。看這類戲,你最好不要對故事劇本或演員演技有甚麼期望,但〈葉問 3 〉的故事推進還算合理,比起前兩集,雖然打鬥多了,但不算太濫,喜歡功夫片的應該收貨且收藏!〈葉問 3 〉應該為葉問系列劃上完美句號,千千萬萬不要再來個〈葉問 4 、 5 、 6 …〉,再這樣沒完沒了地打下去,我想,他不癡線,觀眾都癡線。都已經醒悟,還要去證明什麼呢!?

Carol (2016) - Too Bad That...

★★☆☆☆ It’s too bad that I can’t seem to feel anything for ‘Carol’, just like ‘Brokeback Mountain’ where I can’t seem to sense any romance at all. Maybe I have to be a homo to be able to feel it. Or maybe the film is too slow paced and plain to enable me to feel it. But undeniably ‘Carol’ bears certain melancholy beauty and quality in terms of acting, costumes/set designs and cinematography. Yet, I feel nothing romantic or moving in there. If you feel for ‘Brokeback Mountain’, you’ll love ‘Carol’ that has a little surprise and a happier twist in the end. But if you’re already bored of the former, you will probably doze off watching the latter! Obviously I have trouble with the film, but I have absolutely no trouble with the homosexual, as I feel like love should be of no difference whether you’re a homosexual or not. Love’s not limited to any time or space, class or sex. It’s simply an unexplainable crazy thing beyond any words or reasoning. You know and love it as you feel it,...