
Showing posts from July, 2016

海底奇兵2 (2016) - 無plan勝有plan?

★★★☆☆ 〈海底奇兵 2 〉的主題是家庭,活動是尋親,過程如果不比較,依然是有創意、有歡笑、有感動、有啟發,但不知是不是因為第一集太經典的關係,你會覺得這部續集的劇情總有點力不從心,感覺整個過程太安全,太順理成章,缺乏第一集那種好像坐過山車的刺激。當然,有這種感覺是因為有對比,如果把〈海底奇兵 2 〉獨立來看,它依然是彼思動畫創意爆棚的示範作之一,例如那隻八爪魚和最後那場大營救,絕對值回票價!但,假如沒有第一集的情意結,你會入場看第二集嗎?比較是難免的,落差是必然的! 戲中的主角多莉患有短暫失憶症,基本上她見識過的東西很快就會忘記,所以她不能好像你我般有甚麼 plan ,她的做事作風注定只能是隨機應變,也就是無 plan 勝有 plan 。或者你會質疑,那些無 plan 勝有 plan 的情節只會在電影中才會發生吧,但在現實生活中,閣下難道沒有經常遇到人算不如天算的情況?所謂「絲絲點點計算,偏偏相差太遠」,如果你覺得 plan 好,事情就會如期發生,那你又忽視了「緣起無常」的自然法則!或者事情真的會好像你如期般發生,但並非因為你 plan 好,而是其他眾多因緣配合得剛剛好而造成的一個假像,但往往我們都錯誤地把這個假像誤以為運氣好或者 plan 得好!煩惱很大部分來自於我們相信人定勝天。當然,你可以嘗試盡力去改變一些事情,也會有成功的時候,那是在「果」還未成熟的情況下,問題是,我們通常缺乏智慧去判斷「果」是否已經成熟! 我們有妄想分別,所以來到這個世界,想在這個世界清除我們的妄想分別,有可能嗎?我們不可能免除煩惱,但可以選擇如何去面對它!萬事萬物本無自性,完全視乎你如何將它定性。失憶是壞事,但也可以是一種恩賜。家庭可以是動力,但也可以是負累。凡事都有兩面,切勿先入為主,或者只有這樣,我們才能夠繼續「享受」這個充滿妄想分別的世界!

Central Intelligence (2016) - It Is Intelligent!

★★★★☆ Nowadays, competent comedies like this are rare. They’re either too exaggerated and ridiculous to deliver laughs, or too corny and old fashioned to be enjoyable. ‘Central Intelligence’ however, manages to strike a good balance between silly setups that comedies usually have and sensible storytelling that comedies usually lack, to be the most decent comedy I’ve ever seen in years! In fact, Dwayne Johnson has been in a lot of comedies as I remember, but has never been able to impress until he meets up with Kevin Hart this time around. They’re so great of an exhilarating match in the film that we’re generally willing to forgive the story that can’t be really happening as a matter of fact. The casting and very capable scriptwriters are the key success of it. Kevin Hart really steals the show. He’s I don’t know how many times better than Chris Rock when it comes to comedies. And when he’s going with Dwayne Johnson, it’s such a real blast! The body language he presents, the wa...

Eye In The Sky (2016) - The Misunderstanding!

★★★★☆ ‘Eye In The Sky’ is one of those rare dialogue-driven films of anti-terrorism that manage to hold your breath throughout without tedious shoot-outs or explosions. To my memories, the last film of such kind that impresses me so is ‘ Zero Dark Thirty ’ where the focus is to capture terrorist leader Bin Laden. Here the focus is seemingly some crazy suicide bombers but in fact a little innocent girl that triggers struggles among officials to make a decision that is militarily right but ethically wrong. Yeah, we do have a choice! It’s just that it’s so hard sometimes to make the so-called right decision that we feel like we’ve got no choice at all! The situation may seem a bit complicated at first as the commander is in England, the drone pilot is in America, and the terrorist is in Kenya. The story is however, not confusing or out of focus as it goes, plus some plot twists to engross. The film feels like a true story though it’s all made up, all thanks to the intense and gri...