Life (2017) - Loneliness Is All To Blame!

★★☆☆☆ The film feels like a mix of a bit of this and that. The opening that reminds me of ‘ Gravity ’ kicking off with a long take is kind of cool, but as it develops, it starts losing its charm as it seems to fail to deliver a claustrophobic situation like the one in ‘Alien’. Yea, similarly there’s a thing getting bigger by killing, but for I don’t know what purpose, and the crew are dying one by one like a cliché, which you’d find emotionally unattached, and making no sense as a matter of fact. And the ending is like what the hell! You may consider it a twist or a surprise but I don’t think it’s necessary. It only makes the film look cheaper! Stephen Hawking has always warned us not to make contact with aliens because ‘they will be vastly more powerful and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria’. Still we’re doing the best we can to go further and further to look for extraterrestrial life, and prove that we are not alone! So what if we are not alone? Would ...