Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) - More Is Less!

★☆☆☆☆ It's been a real while since. I've been in the doldrums! My mind's been stuck with what's been happening here in Hong Kong, a city where used to have prosperity and peace, law and order, justice and freedom, but now it all seems to have been gone thanks to the Hong Kong Government and the Hong Kong Police. Anyone who has a slight of conscience and humanity would shed a tear over a situation like this in which the ones fighting for justice, human rights and freedom are being put to trial and jail, and those evidently breaking it are free to go instead! How absurd and ridiculous indeed! Honestly I had no mood at all to want to check out any film and write about it at first. How am I supposed to at a time like this? The city is dying. People are feeling depressed and furious over the Government's indifference to their voices and demands. There's been deaths in fact to try to wake up the Government but all in vain. I guess there's no turning back...