The Invisible Man (2020) - Later Than Sooner Would Be Better.

★★★☆☆ It's been quite a while since my last English post, which was more than a month ago actually. I guess I've lost some sort of motivation to keep it up, partly because of the coronavirus scenario which has worn off my mood and interest for films, but mostly due to lack of viewers to my blog. Well, that's the fault of humanity, the weakness of our mind, as a matter of fact. We often fail to keep doing things that we used to love doing so much in the first place without any expectations. As long as there're expectations, there're disappointments. So to defy that and take it as practice, I'm back here again! Right, 'The Invisible Man', as a horror as it seems initially, opens with a woman played by Elisabeth Moss (first introduced to me in 'Mad Men' series), trying to get away from a man in the middle of the night after seemingly having planned it for a long time! The mood's creepy and intriguing! The score's heart-pounding! Th...