
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Invisible Man (2020) - Later Than Sooner Would Be Better.

★★★☆☆ It's been quite a while since my last English post, which was more than a month ago actually. I guess I've lost some sort of motivation to keep it up, partly because of the coronavirus scenario which has worn off my mood and interest for films, but mostly due to lack of viewers to my blog. Well, that's the fault of humanity, the weakness of our mind, as a matter of fact. We often fail to keep doing things that we used to love doing so much in the first place without any expectations. As long as there're expectations, there're disappointments. So to defy that and take it as practice, I'm back here again! Right, 'The Invisible Man', as a horror as it seems initially, opens with a woman played by Elisabeth Moss (first introduced to me in 'Mad Men' series), trying to get away from a man in the middle of the night after seemingly having planned it for a long time! The mood's creepy and intriguing! The score's heart-pounding! Th...

飢餓鬥室 (2020) - 又是這個主題!?

★★☆☆☆ 其實在這個時候看這類電影,只會讓人更加質疑「人性本善」。但,作為佛陀的死忠,我依然選擇相信「人皆有佛性」、「自性本自清淨」,好比一件衣服,就算髒了,它還是一件衣服,並不會因為髒了就變成一條褲子。但衣服也好,褲子也罷,它也只是一個名詞或標籤,是人對它的執著而已,至於它的本質為何,在人相對分別的語言概念裡,是無從知曉和討論的!一切都建基於一個字--「信」,「 we are what we believe 」,一切法由心想生,這是無法否定的事實! 說回電影〈飢餓鬥室〉,以為是類似〈 Saw 〉那樣的燒腦片,但其實一點都不燒腦,故事平鋪直敘,沒有任何懸念或驚喜。設定是有點意思的,卻也有點離地,難怪要把它歸類為科幻。主題並不新鮮,過程是沉悶、到喉不到肺的!搞那麼一個大頭佛,最終還是那個老掉牙的問題:人可以為求存,去到幾盡?若聽過〈 天堂‧地獄‧筷子 〉的故事,大可不必再看這齣電影。記住,從來沒有客觀的事,只有主觀的心,所以說一念天堂,一念地獄。改變世界的唯一方法,就只是改變你對它的看法!