
Showing posts from April, 2020


貴妃 她不希望她的未來的過去 只有海風 稻田 和一片她不以為然的天 朝朝暮暮 年復一年 她清楚她的夢想在哪裡 只是一張車票的距離 她排除萬難 獨自一人 栽進陌生的皇宮 究竟人要堅持生活多少年 才恍然那只不過是 另一座熟悉的迷宮 海闊天空的鳥籠 似懂非懂的貴妃 不在乎那些似是而非 她只想好好地活 可怎麽活才算好好地 當她思考著菩提 煩惱也越來越立體 這座宮殿早已中了毒 賺錢只是為了兌現痛苦 小栗子是份意外 不是她原本的期待 淚水淹沒回家的路 她想離開卻無法離開 也許某天 貴妃將懺悔 她的過去的未來 沒有海風 稻田 和一片一目了然的天 遲遲暮暮  度日如 年

Extraction (2020) - It's All Personal.

★★☆☆☆ If you feel like 'Extraction' is your cup of tea, you probably prefer brawn to brains when it comes to films. Nothing wrong about that in fact, at a crazy, stupid time like today, I guess we'd rather choose to go blank for a while caching a witless, exaggerated action piece than be reminded of our miseries by some serious, emotional melancholies. 'Extraction' is nothing of a let-down as an action film that is straight-forward, fast-paced but not messy, and strikingly well choreographed. It's an eyeball catching, showy fusion of past well done actions, easily entertaining and exciting for time killing on a Friday night. The only problem however, that I have with it is, I don't fall for guys like Chris Hemsworth! The story reminds you of ' Taken ', which is, well, not worth a talk, and not at all important to pure action entertainment like that as all you tend to focus is the moves. Speaking of which, you'd inevitably compare it to ...