AVA (2020) - She Is Not, Is She?

★★☆☆☆ If you're not fed up yet with hitwomen and stuff, I kind of am to be honest, you can go for 'AVA' which features Jessica Chastain shooting, slashing, strangling, fist-fighting, up and side kicking guys that she's ordered to kill without being allowed to ask about them, though she's helplessly curious. What later on gets her down the bloody road is, as you might've figured, such dangerous curiosity of hers! Speaking of hitwomen, in case you're still interested, Last year's ' Anna ' is surely a better choice than this in light of storytelling and action choreography. An actress like Jessica Chastain I guess, is not cut out for action films like this. In spite of maybe trying her utmost to catch up with the nowadays action heroine Charlize Theron, the move that Chastain is making here is not eye-catching or slick at all. Plus the story's sort of a cliche about daddy issue, alcoholism, betrayals, breaking protocols, then to kill a...