
Showing posts from August, 2020

AVA (2020) - She Is Not, Is She?

★★☆☆☆ If you're not fed up yet with hitwomen and stuff, I kind of am to be honest, you can go for 'AVA' which features Jessica Chastain shooting, slashing, strangling, fist-fighting, up and side kicking guys that she's ordered to kill without being allowed to ask about them, though she's helplessly curious. What later on gets her down the bloody road is, as you might've figured, such dangerous curiosity of hers! Speaking of hitwomen, in case you're still interested, Last year's ' Anna ' is surely a better choice than this in light of storytelling and action choreography. An actress like Jessica Chastain I guess, is not cut out for action films like this. In spite of maybe trying her utmost to catch up with the nowadays action heroine Charlize Theron, the move that Chastain is making here is not eye-catching or slick at all. Plus the story's sort of a cliche about daddy issue, alcoholism, betrayals, breaking protocols, then to kill a...

屍殺半島 (2020) - 自由意志這東西!

★☆☆☆☆ 〈屍殺半島〉是四年前〈 屍殺列車 〉的續集,故事發生在朝鮮半島「喪爆」四年後。場景設定由一架列車擴大到整個半島,格局變大了,但故事卻單薄了,毫無感染力和吸引力,好似只是在看過關式打喪屍遊戲直播,時不時就飛車和槍戰,但又如何呢?沒有好的故事和立體的人物,所謂精彩的動作不會讓人有絲毫代入感,何況〈屍殺半島〉的動作一點都不精彩,甚至有點誇張和無聊。之前〈屍殺列車〉那種局促幽閉空間的壓迫感和恐懼感完全喪失,故事鋪排的轉折驚喜也完全欠奉,連那種意料之內的煽情結局也拍不出來。其實這部續集我都不知拍來幹嘛,可能純粹是為了大家要開工出糧吧!〈屍殺列車〉可以說是喪屍片中的佼佼者,因為它是一部充滿人性、有血有肉的作品,但這部所謂的續集,真的令人無語! 不知為何,每次看喪屍片,都會聯想到「自由意志」這種東西。喪屍是失去自由意志的動物,它們一聽到有動靜,就只會一個勁兒向前衝喪咬,但又不知為何而咬,純粹是想咬就咬。那人到底有沒自由意志呢?好似有,又好似沒。很玄,很難說。佛教有所謂的願力和業力,願力就好比我們說的自由意志,而業力則是你過去種種行為所累積的一種慣性推動力,非你所控。當你做了一些你不想做,但是應該做的事情,這是自由意志在主導;而當你做了一些不應該做,但是很想做的事情,這是業力在作怪。人之所以感覺沒有自由(意志),是因為受制於業力,而業力則源自於我們對「我」和「我所」的執著。因此無私的人就是自由的人,因為他的願力大於業力,他可以隨順因緣去做應該做的,而不是想做的;而自私的人就好比被業力拉扯著的喪屍,喪失自由意志,只能想咬就咬,不知所然!

Sputnik (2020) - 不算爛的劇情片

  ★★☆☆☆ 這部俄羅斯電影很難讓人不聯想起〈異形〉,但〈異形〉早已上神檯,根本不能相提並論。論題材,兩者是有點相似的,都是講人被異形附體,最大分別是〈異形〉那隻吸乾你之後,會破肚而出爆死你,但〈 Sputnik 〉那隻會跟你形神結合而共存下去,夜晚時分從你嘴裡嘔出殺人,但不是為了過癮而殺。為了甚麼?留待閣下自己去看吧,如果還有興趣的話。 如果說〈異形〉是一套純科幻驚悚片,那〈 Sputnik 〉則更像是一套心理劇情片,那隻怪物只是幌子,其實講的是人與人和自然的關係,但這種探討和描寫又好似不夠深入,弄得劇情既不驚悚也沒感染力!一開始以為是一部賣弄恐怖噁心的低級製作--怪獸爆出殺人,然後經過一輪 carefree 追逐,最終女英雄搞定怪獸,完。好彩看下去不是那回事,這也許是我能夠把電影從頭到尾看完的原因吧。雖然整部戲沒什麼驚嚇,劇情也沒什麼驚喜,但你會想知那隻東西和它的宿主最後的下場和抉擇,而且女主角也算是其中一個亮點,非常有氣質。 人最大的恐懼是源於那些未知不可測的事物,但恰恰這個世界就是無常難以預測的。既然未來不可知不可測,為何恐懼?既然計劃想像的和真實發生的必有出入,為何憂心?既然人算不如天算,為何不好好活在當下?人就是不習慣活在當下,不是說做不到,只是不習慣!細心想想,相比不能挽回的過去,以及虛無縹緲的未來,當下不是更容易和更值得把握嗎?

Project Power (2020) - True Power!

★★☆☆☆ I checked out 'Project Power' because it's got stars like Jamie Foxx, and the theme's about men's super power, and so expectedly it should be an awesome action film that doesn't need me to wrap my head around nonetheless. Turns out it is brainless but not awesome at all except for the last scene that manages to give a little bit of excitement. Yea, just a little bit, that's all! In 'Project Power', in case you're still curious about it, guys take a magic pill that would allow them to perform some super power that only some other animals have like the power to camouflage, to be bullet-proof, to be able to twist their muscle and joints or to even turn themselves into an intimidating monster with tremendous strength, but for 5 minutes only. There's a risk however, taking such a pill that would either boost you up or blow you up, so good luck! The concept seems pretty okay but the outcome feels like roughly done and immature. The film...