
Showing posts from July, 2012

大武當之天地密碼 (2012) - 很有問題

(美不美,其實不是她的問題,是你的問題) ★☆☆☆☆ 看罷,觀眾的第一個反應就是:這齣戲的編導很有問題。若不是因為這部戲多少跟我有點關係,加上有換票証,我是絕對不會入場看這類「神片」的。「神片」?何解? Google 一下,看看大陸牛人如何評價這部戲,自然就清楚了,在這裡我就不再湊熱鬧了。 都說電影這行是尋夢、造夢的地方,其實電影製作也是一盤非常現實、計算精準的生意。凡是生意,講求的都是回報、利益、效率。誰願意做虧本的買賣?拍電影,往往不是為了圓甚麼夢、或甚麼理想,而是為了拍而拍;為了養活一班人;為了生活而已。一齣電影的成本佔最多的,我想是演員的片酬,再者是幕後(導演、編劇等等),最後最後最後才是翻譯。但試問:沒有「低賤」的翻譯,華人看得懂西片嗎?西人看得懂華片嗎?不過別擔心,總有那麼一群「翻譯強人」喜歡做如此「低賤」的工作。為甚麼?因為他們喜歡「造夢」唄! 當天和我一同在戲院看這部「神片」的,還真有那麼幾個人,看上去他們都是中年人了。如果他們是花錢買票入場的,我就不明白其心態了。他們真的那麼無聊嗎?為何如此浪費時間和金錢?為何不利用看「神片」的時間去修行,或利用看「神片」的錢做「善」事?或許大家對「無聊」都各有定義;或許他們覺得修行才是無聊;出離才是無聊。我們不會無聊得放棄世俗的努力,因為無聊就是我們的生活,我們已是無聊的一份子。我們都很有問題! 也許「神片」你不會看兩次,但這個混濁的娑婆世界,你敢再來嗎?我是不敢了,因為我的過去包含著很多眼淚。感謝那些苦,它讓我有一顆很想「出離」的心。

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) - To Rise Is Not Easy.

★★★★☆ A few great things about this film: a stunning opening to introduce the villain like TDK ’s; breathtaking score; witty, thought-provoking dialogues; heart-pumping, down-to-earth fistfights; and emotional, quiet moments to prepare us for the climaxes. TDKR is more about the Batman himself than the villain. It explains what’s left off in ‘ Batman Begins ’, which to me is just a fair piece of cinema though. If you expect TDKR to exceed TDK, you may be let down since it lacks an impressive villain like Heath Ledger’s Joker. Bane (Tom Hardy) seems physically strong and verbally intimidating enough, but he wears a mask and his facial expressions are basically none. We don’t get to see his eyes often, and there’s nothing special about his body language either. Like I said, this film’s more about Bruce Wayne the Batman that’s aging and getting weak both mentally and physically as he thinks there’s nothing out there for him anymore. Later, when he’s finally obliged to make a com...

竊聽者 The Lives Of Others (2006) - 珍惜自由

★★★☆☆ 這部 06 年奧斯卡最佳外語片(德國)講述的,其實就是貝多芬的〈好人奏鳴曲〉最後怎麼變成一本獻給好人的書。至於〈好人奏鳴曲〉代表甚麼?到底是怎麼一個變法?大家看看影片自然就明白了。 故事背景是冷戰時期的東德,主角是一個專業、冷酷的秘密警察,職責是竊聽,挖掘反動份子,後來頓時良心發現,倒戈相向,為此付出了代價。我覺得一個壞人,絕不可能頓時變成一個好人,一定有個「漸」的過程,但影片並沒有交代這個過程,這位秘密警察的「頓」顯得十分唐突。片長兩個多小時,節奏緩慢,氣氛營造一般,沒甚麼懸念,演員的演出也無驚喜,但作為一部反映時代的作品,它是合格有餘的,它確實讓我們體會到當時白色恐怖對人性的扭曲,以及對自由思想的摧殘。它讓我想起眾多在文革批鬥中死去的、有風骨的作家,包括我敬愛的老舍…… 89 年發生了很多事,蘇聯改朝換代,名存實亡;柏林圍牆倒了,東德成為歷史;而中國也差點變了天……回望中國改革開放這幾十年,一如鄧小平所說,部分人是富了,但大部分人還在餓肚子,貧富懸殊的問題仍有待解決,而白色恐怖的爪子也若隱若現。自由、我想還是中國人未來幾代、甚至幾十代人共同奮鬥的目標啊!

畫壁 (2011) - 幻由心生

★★☆☆☆ 因為工作的關係,硬啃了《聊齋》之〈畫壁〉。不喜歡這部電影──薄弱的故事,沉悶的畫面和敘事手法,角色的錯配(孫儷怎麼看也不像是仙女,鄧超怎麼看也不像是書生),還有馬虎的特效。但,喜歡它蘊含的佛理──幻由心生。那人間是幻,還是那仙境是幻?其實,兩者都是幻,都是因凡夫的執取所生,都是依因待緣的有為法,正如蒲松齡所言:人有淫心,是生褻境;人有褻心,是生怖境。菩薩點化愚蒙,千幻並作,皆人心所自動耳。我們無法知道何謂幻,何謂真,因為我們沒有平常心──不比較、不執著的心。 戲中的書生最後請問大師:為何一剎那間會出現那麼多悲歡離合?因為一剎那間,心就有萬千念頭,只是我們平常不能留意罷了,靜觀的時候,你就知道心猿意馬的自己是何等恐怖。都說成佛要經歷三大阿僧祇劫(一段超乎你想像的長時間),但其實當你成佛之後回頭望,所謂的三大阿僧祇劫也只不過是一剎那而已!

The Vow (2012) - Keep It Like You Must.

★★★☆☆ If this film wasn’t based on a true story between a real couple, it’d be like a total cliché that’d certainly turn everyone off. Since it is, it does give a comforting feeling that there’re still good souls left that truly believe in love and practice it unselfishly. ‘The Vow’ is a story about how you should keep your vow even if your better half forgets who you are and seems to be walking away from you after having a brain injury in a car accident. It’s rather educational for men I guess, especially those who like playing the field and no longer believe in relationships. The man (Channing Tatum) demonstrates how true love’s supposed to be like. That is to love someone for who they are rather than who you think they ought to be. It sounds like nothing new, but it’s indispensable that you keep it in mind if you want a happy life for yourself or with anyone out there. People in the film all seem very kind and caring. There’s basically no villain. So it’s romantic but ...

500 Days Of Summer (2009) - Nothing Wrong About Love.

★★★★☆ As the tagline goes, this is not a love story but a story about love. I think it is, but an unconventional one. You’d feel ambivalent towards this film that seems romantic but not quite; sounds funny but serious; poignant but hopeful. It’s a story that neither has a happy ending nor an unhappy one. The way it goes is also interesting enough. 500 days with Summer are shuffled and presented in disorder, but what’s amazing is that it’s not confusing at all. Yeah, it’s about love. What is love then? Love’s certainly not anything you can buy and keep. It’s merely a delusional spark or an instinct feeling that’d carry you away and make you feel like the world’s so wonderful, or the complete opposite, just like Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) experiences in the film. Love’s unpredictable and elusive. It could appear this moment and be gone the next. Like Summer (Zooey Deschanel) says, you can never be sure about it. That’s why we’re all dosed by it. Truth is, love’s neither a good ...

晚秋 (2010) - 接吻是高潮

★★☆☆☆ 一班韓國人,跑到美國的西雅圖去拍了這部講英語、國語和韓語的愛情文藝片。女主角是〈色戒〉的「花瓶」湯唯,樣貌平凡,演技還是一般,缺乏感染力。男主角是韓國電視明星玄彬,本來他就不是甚麼帥哥,在戲中他卻要梳飛機頭扮不羈,實在令人難受。可這部戲在大陸的票房卻意外的好,再次證明大陸的觀眾的確比我們──噢,不,應該說是比我更有文藝細胞啊! 〈晚秋〉這個戲名已經預示了電影冷悽的格調。片長兩個小時,前一個半小時是催眠,後半個小時開始入戲肉,最後那場堪稱為韓國影史上持續時間最長的接吻戲是高潮。怎麼,一場接吻戲竟然是高潮?沒錯。平心而論,那場戲確實拍得不錯,很有爆炸力,也彰顯絲絲不捨與無奈。「愛」是我們浮沉輪迴苦海的根本,但我們卻樂此不疲。戲中湯唯飾演的那位安娜,為愛付出了沉重代價,但舊痛未消,就又不由自主地墮入另一個「愛」的陷阱,人就是這麼犯賤。這部戲一點都不浪漫,喜歡浪漫愛情片的觀眾,可要三思而入場哦。 這部戲也印證了一個事實:中國人說英語,確實比韓國人要強很多啊!

The Amazing Spiderman (2012) - Sweeter, Funnier, All Better.

★★★★☆ I used to go to the cinema with my mom for Christopher Reeve’s ‘Superman’ that was so impressive to me as a little boy. Then there were Tim Burton’s ‘Batman’ series, and Christopher Nolan’s astonishing work to date, ‘ The Dark Knight ’. That’s all I can remember about superhero movies. I’m not quite sure what I was up between the ‘Superman’ and the ‘Batman’. I guess I was busy trying to be a hero but failed of course. But I like superhero movies, and I believe in heroes. To better enjoy this new spidey, you should entirely forget the old one. But if you’ve seen all the old ones like I have, and can’t help comparing like I can’t, it’s okay, the new spidey is still going to amaze you with a sweeter love story, funnier characters and dialogues, and more sensible, heartfelt action scenes. Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker seems brighter and more optimistic. Emma Stone looks so much prettier than she really is in the film. Not saying she’s not charming, she is very. The film, di...