Fight Club (1999) - Be Careful What You Think!

★★★☆☆ Those opposed to capitalism or materialism may consider ‘Fight Club’ a masterpiece but I’m not really into it to be honest. Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not money-minded though I’m pretty short of money indeed. Neither am I busy taking care of my stuff while going out getting more stuff. It’s just that it doesn’t strike me much like I thought it would as a movie, even after having seen it twice. It’s not necessarily a bad film however. It does say something that’s rather thought-provoking or disturbing to some. I find it interesting but a bit misleading as well. Arrogant folks could be encouraged to believe that pain’s truly what we need to feel resurrected; that in order to start anew, we have to destroy; that losing is another way of winning, and letting go will earn us more, etc. Truth is, this is a film full of witty lines that may sound stupid to the wise, and wise to the stupid! Here are some of them, and just be careful what you think! It's only after we'v...