
Showing posts from October, 2015

言葉之庭 (2013) - 愛.孤獨

★★★★★ 欣賞新海誠的作品,故事彷彿已經顯得不再重要,更多的是在用心去感受一種情感壓抑的浪漫,及伴隨之的那份感動。 美得令人窒息的畫面向來是新海誠動畫電影的標誌,〈言葉之庭〉當然也不例外,每一格畫面都美得讓人無話可說,更令人驚喜的是,裡面的人物相比以往變得立體,不再只是唯美細膩畫面中的平面點綴。雖然影片只有短短的四十多分鐘,故事依然顯得薄弱,但〈言〉也算是新海誠作品當中最有故事性的了。從〈 星之聲 〉到〈言葉之庭〉,其作品主題來來去去都離不開孤獨、思念、愛,但〈言〉有別於他以往作品的地方在於男女主角的情感變得直接了些,而不是傾向於羞怯地埋藏在自己心底。當以為電影會以一種安靜的淒美作結時,萬萬想不到男女主角最後的情感爆發會是那麼震撼和感人,再配上出色的音樂,那種場面,凡是有情種想必眼淚都會不自覺地飆出來!可眼淚並不一定代表悲傷收場,影片最後展示的是一種「相見無期卻有期」的積極與樂觀,新海誠的進步確實令人雀躍! 人注定是孤獨的!我們帶著各自不同的「業」來這個世界受生,所以對同一事物,我們的看法注定不同。你永遠無法讓人確切明白你的感受,即使你如何用精準的語言去表達,好讓對方明白,但對方的所謂明白永遠都只是他個人的理解,而不是你的所感所受,反之亦然。孤獨好像是一種我們永遠無法擺脫的東西,獨處時感到孤獨,跟一大班人相處時照樣可以感到孤獨。不過,或許你也明白,孤獨不是一種常態,而只是一種心態。當你能夠覺悟誰在孤獨並尋根究底的時候,孤獨的感覺就會頓然消失。當然,還是那句話,說的比做的輕巧! 所謂「情不深不墮輪迴,愛不重不生娑婆」,來這個世界混的,可以肯定都是有情種,在愛情的路上即使我們一次次地跌倒受傷,我們依然樂此不疲,因為「愛」它沒有屬性,難以形容和理解,非常神秘,只有當你遇到它了,你才能知道它到底是怎麼一回事,而這種「知」也只屬於你一人:它是你前進的巨大動力,也可以是阻力;它可以帶你去天堂,也可以讓你經歷地獄!

Southpaw (2015) - Men Must Have Control.

★★★☆☆ ‘Southpaw’ tells two things, I guess, that is defense is as important as attacks, not sometimes but all the time, if you wanna be the final winner. Second, men must have control. To do that, you gotta have some faith. No matter what faith you prefer, you gotta have some, or you may lose control of your life to others and their fickle point of views. The film’s Jake Gyllenhaal’s one-man show. Here again he’s transformed himself into something we’ve never seen before. And this guy from ‘Brokeback Mountain’ as I first knew him, really deserves an award or something for his true commitment in acting. He’s full of surprises indeed. The story’s kinda predictable though. The boxing matches looking pretty realistic show the roughness and violence of the game, and a little bit of beauty too. The film basically bears a lot of pain and struggles of a man, through the ending that is of a triumph like expected. It’s just that it lacks some real highlights or emotional moments that ar...

Inside Out (2015) - Joy And Sadness Are The Same Thing!

★★★★★ Well, it’s really been quite a while since my last update. I’m not being lazy. I’m just being moody and kinda busy doing something else. Obviously there’s a lot of things in life far more important than movies, don’t you think? But sometimes we all need films like ‘Inside Out’ to remind us what really matters in the end when everything else that you’ve been chasing seems to be falling apart inevitably! It’s a simple film that makes me feel rather complicated! ‘Inside Out’, the latest computer-animated film by Pixar Studios, is truly a creative, exhilarating, melancholy piece of inspiration that makes me laugh and cry and laugh and cry throughout. To my memories, it’s the first animation film that’s able to make me weep! I know it may seem corny to some but still I just can’t help sharing the sadness of that little girl over things that used to be so good and sweet but now have all changed, yet you can do nothing about it but to carry on hoping for the best. The film has ...