Inside Out (2015) - Joy And Sadness Are The Same Thing!
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★★★★★ |
Well, it’s really been quite a while since my last update. I’m not
being lazy. I’m just being moody and kinda busy doing something else. Obviously
there’s a lot of things in life far more important than movies, don’t you
think? But sometimes we all need films like ‘Inside Out’ to remind us what
really matters in the end when everything else that you’ve been chasing seems
to be falling apart inevitably! It’s a simple film that makes me feel rather
‘Inside Out’, the latest computer-animated film by Pixar Studios, is
truly a creative, exhilarating, melancholy piece of inspiration that makes me
laugh and cry and laugh and cry throughout. To my memories, it’s the first
animation film that’s able to make me weep! I know it may seem corny to some
but still I just can’t help sharing the sadness of that little girl over things
that used to be so good and sweet but now have all changed, yet you can do
nothing about it but to carry on hoping for the best. The film has a happy,
heart-warming ending! It’s some comfort, and predictable because it’s Disney,
but I wonder how often things will turn out just fine in reality.
The film visualizes the main five of our emotions like joy, sadness,
anger, fear and disgust. Joy and Sadness are mostly stressed probably because
they’re the two frequent emotions we easily get engaged in everyday life. We
all want joy, not sadness but how could you tell joy from sadness when joy is actually
the cause of sadness and sadness the cause of joy? It’s like two sides of a
coin. It’s indeed ridiculous and stupid to kinda say that if only life was full
of joy without sadness. Like it or not, when you’re experiencing joy, you’re
accumulating sadness at the same time. And like the film says, sadness is not a
bad thing after all. It may enable you to see things more clearly than you
usually do, and realize what matters to you the most!
I, while watching this film, think of impermanence, the value of
friendship and family, the pain and shit feeling of having to leave some things
behind, move on and grow up. Growing up is undoubtedly a trap but we all have
no choice but to face it. It’s life’s companion that we have to take no matter
what. Sometimes I wonder if there’s anything really worth valuing in life since
y’know whatever it is that you value is gonna fade away in the end. But… just because
it’s gonna be gone doesn’t mean it’s not worth your love, care and attention.
Or does it?
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