
Showing posts from June, 2016

寒流黑金 (2016) - 不要成為受害者

★★★☆☆ 個人看的是導演版,片長三小時,感覺劇情節奏有點拖。雖然敘事手法已經不是平鋪直敘,但開頭至中段還是頗沉悶的!〈寒流黑金〉顧名思義,是講政治、黑社會、官商勾結,貪污賄賂。雖然題材嚴肅,但整體格調十分輕鬆,大可當作商業娛樂片種來看,而事實上,故事也並非基於真人真事,而是漫畫改編,自然也少了韓國犯罪片以往那份悲情與無奈。看到最後才恍然發覺,沉悶的前段原來是為了引爆熱血、有點出乎意料的結局,加上頗為激昂的配樂,實在教人看得亢奮過癮! 雖然電影找來韓國三大明星 李炳憲、曹承佑、白潤植 chok 住上,但實際上較有空間發揮演技的只有白潤植,但個人對這位老人家的印象實在一般。好在李炳憲在當今一眾「白白淨、無性病」的韓星當中,又顯得真的挺有型。而曹承佑的魅力,個人是 buy 的,雖然他都只是行行企企、抽煙兩味。所以如果你要看甚麼演技,還是算了吧,故事結構和敘事手法是電影的賣點,其他方面請不要太認真,認真你就輸了! 〈寒〉的結局並不寒,頗為溫暖,但現實裡,事情哪會那麼順利?牽連甚廣的利益關係網,以及精密的犯罪系統,哪是兩三個人策劃一下就能搗破的?現實是,他們要你收聲,你就要收聲;他們要你說他們要你說的話,你就要照說;他們要你認罪,你就要認罪;他們要你死的話,你隨時都可以被自殺……這個世界到底有沒有公義,及為公義發聲的戰士?;有沒有所謂的真相?真相是不是真的那麼重要?你知道了又如何?會不會接受?亦或覺得真相背後還有真相?其實,所謂的公義、真相,都視乎你站在甚麼立場、選擇去相信甚麼而已!還是那句:你對這個世界認真,你就是它的受害者!

Robbery (2016) - Hard To Get Out!

★★★☆☆ Right, it’s been a real while since my last update. No, I’m not gone! Not yet! I guess I’d be left in a miserable void if I give it up now. It’s just that there’re no movies worth checking out or reviewing lately. Most of them just slipped right out of my mind after watching. Some stayed a little while but faded when I finally decided to write something about it. This local cult film somehow lingers! ‘Robbery’ is a cult so rare that you don’t even know it exists. Like any other cult films, it tells a story that doesn’t really make sense, or say, it makes no sense at all if you get serious looking at it, but I guess the point of a cult film is not a sensible story but instead a ridiculous one to make you feel sick and wonder why the hell you wanna check out a film like that. You won’t be able to find the answer though, because you’re nothing but a weirdo like me and everyone else out there, helplessly going around the circle of cult reality! With frequent sudden viole...

Triple 9 - Dirty!

★☆☆☆☆ ‘Triple 9’ is a dirty film of dirty figures going around a dirty plot set in a dirty city. Yeah, it’s all made up. Nothing happening in there is true or based on facts. Or maybe, I’m naively oblivious of what’s going on; that the world we dwell in is dirty in a way that we think is bound to be, and somewhat forgivable. Either way you’re not gonna be happy, I guess, checking out this film that’s dragged out a lot, bleak a bit, and an absolute waste of talented casts like Woody Harrelson, Kate Winslet and many others thanks to the mundane screenplay indeed, especially the second half! I don’t mind a film being dirty, but a clueless dirty film like that simply leaves a bad taste in my mouth!