
Showing posts from November, 2016

Radwimps - Human Bloom

Who: Radwimps Where: Japan What: Indie/pop Rock When: 2016 Makoto Shinkai’s animated film ‘ Your Name ’ is why I got to know this indie rock band from Japan. The film itself is just a so-so experience but the soundtrack by Radwimps is unforgettable. Music’s universal. It’s true, no matter if it’s singing Mandarin, Japanese, English or what, as long as it’s able to conjure something however sad or happy up in your mind, you’ll love it, though the lyrics may be suggesting the complete opposite of what you’re feeling. It seems like the more you’re ignorant of the lyrics, the more you’ll be able to enjoy the beauty of the music. ‘Human Bloom’, Radwimps’ latest album, is the best of theirs to me to date. I have no idea what they’re singing at all, but every time I listen to it, it makes me feel a great deal of delight, and also a bit of poignancy that love comes so slow but goes so fast. Maybe that’s the way it is. Or maybe I’m just deluded to think so! Go find ‘Human Bloom’ wherever ...

七月與安生 (2016) - 人生的完美在於它的不完美

★★★★☆ 乍看,以為是一部兩女爭一男的狗血青春片。看過,才發覺完全不是那回事。看著看著,以為自己在看〈 夢之花嫁 〉,而最後的幕後人員名單也的確有岩井俊二的名字,難怪畫面風格那麼相似。當然,這部戲的導演不是岩井俊二,而是曾國祥。 Google 了一下,才知道原來已經在港產片〈 老笠 〉中見過他,對於這位香港新演員,印象並不深刻,但這次他執導〈七月與安生〉,雖然有陳可辛在背後發功,但整體卻非常有個人風格,十分討好! 對於喜愛女性電影的觀眾來說,〈七月與安生〉確實是近期的驚喜之作,是一部要用心,去跟戲中人一同呼吸與感受的電影。人物刻畫有深度,畫面細膩有文藝範,敘事有節奏,剪接有特色,結局更是出乎意料的一波三折,叫人看得驚訝唏噓,當然兩位女演員出色到位的演技也是功不可沒的。影片表面看似講男女情愛,實質是講兩個女生之間的非一般友誼,以及各自的成長與心路歷程,當中有歡笑、有眼淚、有誤解與撕逼,也有包容與犧牲。甚麼才是真正的在乎,甚麼才是真正的愛,或者看罷,大家心裡或多或少都會有一個答案! 七月與安生或者代表兩種不同的生活方式和態度,人生只是一個不斷選擇的過程,沒有結果。不論你是選擇流浪漂泊、居無定所,還是循規蹈矩、安穩度日,都需要有勇氣去面對和承受選擇背後的代價。選擇可能痛苦,代價可能沉重,但聆聽自己的心聲,追求自己真正想要的生活,這才叫活過,而不僅僅只是生存著。選擇怎麼樣的人生是個人的自由,並沒有所謂的對與錯,因此也不必去羨慕或抨斥誰的人生。如果你總是著眼於他人的風光而生嫉妒,或不解他人的頹廢而有偏見,其實、你對「人生」,還是非常無知!