The Best & The Worst Of 2016

Another year’s passed. One step closer to the end of a journey, as well as the beginning of a brand new! Good that I’m still alive and kicking. Bad that I’m still single and alone. Wait, is it really that bad? Every coin has two sides. You win some, you lose some! I don’t fancy relationships now but I don’t deliberately stay away from it either. I guess I’ll just learn to accept and even enjoy whatever life has to offer, good or bad! You probably think I’ve forgotten ‘ The Best & The Worst ’. No, I haven’t. I just had to see ‘ Arrival ’ to finally decide. Well, it’s good but not that good as I expected it to be. I’m more than okay with everything it delivers except for the role of China that apparently is lack of objectivity and understanding of Chinese culture. Usually there’s only one film to be ‘The Best’, but I find it pretty hard to pick either one of these two from last year to be so… The Best: The setup, the camera work, the long takes, the bear attack, the acti...