The Best & The Worst Of 2016

Another year’s passed. One step closer to the end of a journey, as well as the beginning of a brand new! Good that I’m still alive and kicking. Bad that I’m still single and alone. Wait, is it really that bad? Every coin has two sides. You win some, you lose some! I don’t fancy relationships now but I don’t deliberately stay away from it either. I guess I’ll just learn to accept and even enjoy whatever life has to offer, good or bad!

You probably think I’ve forgotten ‘The Best & The Worst’. No, I haven’t. I just had to see ‘Arrival’ to finally decide. Well, it’s good but not that good as I expected it to be. I’m more than okay with everything it delivers except for the role of China that apparently is lack of objectivity and understanding of Chinese culture. Usually there’s only one film to be ‘The Best’, but I find it pretty hard to pick either one of these two from last year to be so…

The Best:
The setup, the camera work, the long takes, the bear attack, the acting… everything seems perfectly executed and cutting-edge. ‘The Revenant’ tells a true story of why ‘Revenge is in God’s hands’, and what one would do to survive when he’s no longer afraid to die. It helps Leonardo DiCaprio win the Academy at last for the Best Actor. Hope it’ll help you see how brave and strong you could actually be to still carry on even though things around you seem to be all falling apart!

As a director, Mel Gibson is a genius capable of making films that’d have a great impact on people. Ten years after ‘Apocalyto’, he tells a true story on ‘Hacksaw Ridge’, where a faithful skinny army medic manages to save a great deal of lives single-handedly without firing a bullet. War films are very rare now! Great war films that emphasize more on humanity than stunts are almost extinct! While superhero films are all the rage, we, ironically, are losing faith to be a hero even for ourselves. Stay true to what you believe if you want things to come your way! You don’t need a new Mel Gibson’s film to remind you that because you’ll probably have to wait another ten!

The Worst:
Why must aliens be here to either make trouble or make friends? Can we think of anything other than that? I guess not because basically we’re animals of dualism. We like to figure things out and place a label to make us feel at ease. So aliens are either good and friendly or evil and dangerous. Can they be both? Well, that’s something we can’t comprehend I guess. It’s just like I have no idea how they could come up with a piece of crap like this given twenty years to prepare, and why I was still interested to check it out… maybe it's me being a piece of crap!

In the coming 2017, I wish to break away from my comfort zone in hopes of finding something I’ve always dreamed of, or something I never have. I don’t know yours but this is my New Year resolution! Last but not least, a song called ‘Good Goodbye’, that sounds like… freedom indeed. Alright, Happy Chinese New Year to you all. Enjoy! And take care!


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