
Showing posts from February, 2018

大世界 (2018) - 命運的奴隷

★★☆☆☆ 一部 2D 國產動畫長片,說長不長,也就七十幾分鐘,就算剪成六十分鐘其實也無礙故事的表達。當中有很多靜止畫面,和一兩段令人摸不著頭腦的「無聊」過場,嚴肅得來帶點荒謬詼諧的對白,加上線條簡單粗暴至極的畫風,如此有風格的動畫,確實並非人人那杯茶!故事講述一袋錢引發的血案風波,交織幾個人物的命運,點出「你改變命運,還是命運改變你」的主題。 有人說這是塔倫天奴〈 Pulp Fiction 〉的動畫版,我覺得是名過其實。可能外國人喜歡,因為他們未曾見過這麼「有型」的中國動畫,而事實上中國又好似真是未曾出產過這麼「有型」的動畫。但如果你說〈大世界〉的背景很有中國特色,可能我有留意國情,也見慣不怪了;你說當中的對白很絕、很黑色、很幽默,我只是覺得無聊加無奈,而且真的很悶;你說敘事很巧妙,可能這類命運交集的劇本看多了,也覺得沒甚麼新奇。唯一欣賞其中的音樂和音效,在開頭的時候確實帶給我少許期望!若然你對黑色喜劇感冒,多年前的〈瘋狂的石頭〉你反而真的應該試試! 電影裡頭說,當一個人貪念起,他就已經失去了自由!這是真理,當大家忙於追求自由的時候,都沒有覺悟到「追求自由」本身也是一種「貪」!越想得到自由,你就是離自由越遠。人人都想控制自己的命運,但就是這種「想控制命運」的「貪」令人反過來被命運控制。真正改變命運的方法,其實就是覺悟並沒有所謂的命運你可以去控制或改變。是不是覺得好像在講廢話?沒錯,真理就是如此簡單,簡單到大家都覺得很廢,因此人人都去追求複雜,到頭來就成為命運的奴隷,包括我!

The Post (2018) - Freedom Of... Whatsoever!

★★☆☆☆ This is essentially a story of freedom of the press versus government security, set in the time of the Vietnam War, during which the American government, for fear of humiliations, kept sending thousands of young men to die in a battle that they knew they couldn’t possibly win! ‘The Post’, which has got great actors like Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep, and the skilled honorable Steven Spielberg in the director’s chair, seems like nothing of a letdown. If journalism movies concerning scandals, top secrets, conspiracies or stuff, are really your cup of tea, I’d recommend ‘ Spotlight ’ that is indeed more dramatic, emotional and provocative! When you expect there would be lots of intense arguments and confrontations, the entire film is in fact pretty quiet and restrained. Meryl Streep’s Kay seems quiet and restrained. So is Tom Hanks’ Ben. No one’s practically overreacting or going hysterical. You’d feel like watching a documentary that seems rather calm and lack of emotions mos...