
Showing posts from May, 2018

鳥獸行 (2018) - 愛,有必要如此變態嗎?

★★★☆☆ 不知那位翻譯戲名的仁兄有沒考究過「鳥獸行」的出處?《周禮‧夏官‧大司馬》:外內亂,鳥獸行,則滅亡。是比喻等同禽獸行為的亂倫。但這齣戲並非講亂倫,而戲中人的行為,我覺得又未達禽獸級令人作嘔,大抵只是各人各取所需罷了。或者你不明白為何他們如此玩殘作賤自己,情況好似明知前面是一幅牆,都選擇撞上去,就算頭破血流,也在所不惜、樂此不疲。這算不算自虐我不清楚,但我知道每個人的業報不同,對同一事物的看法感受也不同,你眼中的賤格爛渣,他人眼中可能是崇高偉大! 這個世界有 渣男,當然也有渣女。基本上這是一個渣女的故事,她(蒼井優)如何渣,就留待閣下自己去看吧。其實令我覺得有點不舒服的,不是她如何渣,而是就算她渣到不可原諒,就算她的同居男友知道她是這樣,這位男友(阿部貞夫)都選擇對她不離不棄,呵護有加,包吃包住!聽起來是不是有點變態?更加變態的是最後揭盅的真相,以及他對她說的一番話:如果我不能讓你生下孩子,讓你幸福,那你就把我生下來吧。看到這裡,我是起雞皮疙瘩的。愛,有必要如此變態嗎?或者不是他變態,而是我們不明白他們之間的業力糾纏,正如我們不明白英國王子查理斯,當初為何會說,就算要他做情婦卡米拉的衛生棉,他也愿意!愛到盡頭是殘忍,執著盡頭是變態,人與人之間需要的是慈悲,而不是擁有或被擁有! 愛和慈悲是有分別的。當你看到一朵花,如果你愛它,你會把它摘下來,據為己有;如果你慈悲,你不會想去擁有它、傷害它,只會欣賞它、澆灌它,讓它健康成長。慈悲是真正的「愛」,因為它沒有自私的成分,它給對方的是百分百的自由和幸福。或者你會覺得那位男友最後的做法好似也挺無私,但認真想想,其實那只不過是自私假扮成無私的狡猾而已!

The Killing Of A Sacred Deer (2018) - Not Making Sense Of Anything!

★★☆☆☆ The film’s based on one of the ancient Greek plays where a family member must be sacrificed to save the whole no matter what. It’s like, to be or not to be, make the choice scenario. I don’t know. It reminds me of ‘ Mother ’, a film of religious symbolism that you can interpret however you want it, which is also why I don’t like it. ‘The Killing Of A Sacred Deer’ is much less head-scratching though! You may wonder at first, what’s going on between the doctor and the boy, but no worries, you’ll soon be told about that, and then be quite shocked in the middle to see how sinister and creepy the boy turns. That’s when it starts to turn me off then! What I don’t like about it is, it never explains how the boy manages to get it done (go check out for yourself if you wonder what it is that I’m talking here); and why he’s doing it seems so lame to me as a matter of fact! Maybe we’re not here to expect it to make any sense because we’re unable to make sense of anything after ...