MI6: Fallout (2018) - Done Here!

★★★☆☆ Oh my, I’ve watched all episodes of the series so far though I’m not quite into it as a matter of fact, except for ‘M.I. 1’, which I consider an action spy classic that none of its sequels can surpass! ‘M.I. 2’, ‘3’ and ‘ 4 ’ are handled by different directors in an attempt to, I guess, showcase various styles of action choreography and storytelling, but the outcome is more or less a letdown. ‘M.I. 5’ is more like it but still not as intriguing and gripping! In the latest ‘M.I. 6’ aka ‘Fallout’, Tom Cruise, though much older now, continues to do what he’s best at, daring stunts, on his own, without a double! The series has been concentrating more and more on brawn than brains, which is no longer my cup of tea. Like expected, Cruise is pulling more realistic yet pretty awesome stunts here than ever, and he wastes no time. The two-hour-and-a-half film is basically of action, a (boring) plot twist, action, another (boring) plot twist, action, and a happy ending as usual. Et...