First Man (2018) - A Horror Film That Moves!

★★★★☆ I guess the Americans wanting to land on the Moon so bad was merely an irrational act of nationalism and patriotism as a result of the Cold War with the Soviet Union back then! The space race was no different from a war that the Americans thought they had to win even if it’d cost them lots of sacrifices and deaths! So ‘we choose to go to the Moon not because it’s easy but because it’s hard’ or ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ is actually like total bullshit propaganda! What leap? To where? I mean, what have we achieved and learned ever since? Have we made our Earth a better place to dwell in? Have we learned to cherish what we have even more? Have we been healthier, happier and less troubled? Men going to the Moon was by no means necessary. It had to happen just because some were being way too aggressive and proud and selfish to even care what should’ve been done for mankind here on Earth in lieu of burning a whole lot of money just to send few men up to ...