
Showing posts from December, 2018

Bad Times At The El Royale (2018) - Like It Or Not!

★★★☆☆ The film starts with an intriguing opening where a man enters a seemingly motel room, locks the door, checks the window, makes sure he's safe and not followed, then he moves the furniture, rolls up the carpet, pries open the wooden floor, hides a bag of something underneath, and then puts everything back in place. As it develops, it manages to keep us interested with frequent changes of POV, flashbacks and backstories to finally make up the whole picture which is kind of entertaining but weird and not so inspirational after all. It reminds me of some of Tarantino's films but less violent and dramatic! Sure it's scary to be in a hotel where there're two-way mirrors peeking at you like those in the El Royale! Well, it seems like we're endowed with the nature of wanting to peek at someone else's life. We all sort of like movies because they somehow do work like a chance for us to peek at someone else's story, their privacy as entertainment so to...

Roma (2018) - 不是人人那杯茶的個人化作品

★★★☆☆ 想看〈 Roma 〉,不是因為它橫掃各大影展獎項及得到影評人一致好評,而是因為導演 Alfonso Cuaron 的前作〈 Gravity 〉實在令我嘆為觀止。但如果你抱著看〈 Gravity 〉的心態去看〈 Roma 〉,我想未看到四分之一你或者已經離座!所以事前調整好心態很重要,這齣非常個人化的影像史詩,最好是自己一個人在家裡,關掉電話,拉下窗簾,盡量減少一切外界干擾,安安靜靜地觀賞。如果你了解一點墨西哥歷史,或者你會看得更投入! Roma 不是義大利那個,是墨西哥城那個,是導演兒時成長的故鄉。〈 Roma 〉算是導演的童年回憶錄,因為是回憶,所以故事是薄弱的,片段是零碎的,沒有迂迴曲折的橋段,沒有悲天憫人的煽情,鏡頭的焦點是一個女傭,以及圍繞她的生活點滴,一切顯得平淡寫實,卻也帶點夢幻,可能因為電影是黑白及其出色的光暗層次感。一些看似簡單容易的定鏡,其實都是經過精心計算,而導演擅長的長鏡,在這裡已被玩到出神入化、流暢自然,毫無違背感,最後那幕海灘戲,拍得既緊張亦感人!〈 Roma 〉看似是一部平平無奇的電影,但實際上它要求的技術含量是非常高的,這也是 Alfonso Cuaron 令人佩服的地方。〈 Roma 〉是一部需要用心和耐性去慢慢品味的作品。 看完這齣戲,頓然覺得屋外的鳥鳴和雨聲特別清脆明晰……而腦海裡也不時浮現一句話:有時男人真是好仆街,女人真是好偉大!

The Best & The Worst of 2018

This should be the 6 th ‘The Best & The Worst’, meaning ‘Almost Buddhist’ has been around here for 6 years. It’s never been easy, because I thought of giving up from time to time, like a man hoping things to come on right but they were never really quite what he expected! Truth is, it took a lot of correct, precise causes and conditions to allow me to have made it so far, and therefore I so much appreciate it! I pray everyday that I’m almost there. That I’m on the right track to the right place! That after I’m gone, some of my words here would give people courage and direction to go on when they feel like giving up and lost, and also be able to upset and disappoint those who are so full of themselves! That all the Buddhists out there would know the fact that the Buddha has never wanted us to be religious, to be narrow-minded, to be biased and proud, to be so called a Buddhist, because being such one could be just another trap that pulls us much more further away from being en...

屍殺片場 (2018) - 幾有趣

★★★☆☆ 這部戲是這樣的:一開始的主觀鏡頭,會讓你看到一班人,正在拍攝一部長約三十幾分鐘一 take 過的喪屍戲。這場戲你會覺得挺無聊胡鬧,也有很多奇怪不合理的地方,但〈屍殺片場〉的精華不是開頭那一 take 過的喪屍戲,而是之後它解構那場戲是如何拍成,以及那些奇怪不合理是怎麼造成!這是一部會讓你看得恍然大悟、會心微笑的電影,不算好精采,勝在幾有趣! 有趣的地方,是它透過不同的視角去展現同一件事情。它令我想起另一齣有異曲同工之妙的日本電影〈 愛的成人式 〉──到最後大家都 O 嘴! O 嘴的原因是事情並不是我們所想的那樣!正是這種先入為主的主觀,釀成很多我們生活上的煩惱和衝突!很多時候,我們都不會也不願意換個角度去看人或事,人人都覺得自己看到的就是事實的全部,但其實是永遠不會有事實的全部,只會有不同的角度! 〈屍〉再次提醒大家,原來拍一部戲,無論是爛片還是好片,都需要很多條件、不同崗位的人互相配合才能成就。鏡頭前我們看到的簡單一幕,鏡頭後其實包含很多複雜的操作。在此,向那些默默耕耘的電影工作者致敬,是他們的不辭辛勞與不斷創新,一次次刺激我們這顆既美好又齷齪的心!

影 (2018) - 歸來呦

★☆☆☆☆ 〈紅高梁〉、〈大紅燈籠高高掛〉、〈秋菊打官司〉幼時皆似懂非懂地朝拜過。〈活著〉、〈一個都不能少〉、〈 我的父親母親 〉讓我真正認識並欣賞張藝謀。但〈英雄〉讓我發毛;〈十面埋伏〉令我流汗;〈滿城盡帶黃金甲〉使我翻了白眼;〈 山楂樹之戀 〉有點安慰;〈 歸來 〉之後,我以為張某真的歸來了,可惜只是誤會! 張藝謀算是一位多產的中國導演,但作品參差,新作〈影〉又讓我翻了一次白眼!整體感覺就是:咦,電影開始了嗎,哦、打瞌睡、哦,咦,結束了嗎,好耶!〈英雄〉賣弄的是色彩,〈影〉營銷的是黑白灰的水墨美學,有藝術美感嗎?有點。但造做的藝術美感你喜歡嗎?我是厭惡的。故事是虛虛實實兩頭不到岸也搔不到癢處的,演技是誇誇張張煞有介事的,氣氛是雨一直下很不融洽的,動作是……唉,是我錯了,以為是動作片! 也許不是我不明白,是這時代變化太快!也許我不應該總是懷緬過去,藐視現在!也許我不該有所期待,說聲阿彌陀佛,然後離開!但沒有期待的人生又是一種怎樣的人生?也許真的是我不明白,不關這個時代!