Marriage Story (2020) - What A Shame!

★★★☆☆ When I look at the title, I somehow expect it to be like ' Manchester By The Sea ', but no, it's not as heavy and sad overall. Rather, it's a bit hilarious at times though it inevitably delivers tears and bickering as a result of complaints and grumbles over marriage, family issues, individual needs and wants. In fact, this is a divorce story rather than a marriage story. The couple are getting divorced, having lawyers to represent them, fighting over things like the custody of their only son, the share of their fortune and properties, whose sacrifices are more or less, and stuff . But like I said, the mood's not as heavy because they seldom have chance to come face to face alone after the wife (Scarlett Johansson) decides to file for a divorce, for most of the time, it's their lawyers who do the talking! And when they finally do however, the one and only in the entire film, that scene really is something! The film reminds me of one of the famous...