The Best & The Worst Of 2020

Year 2020! I don't know. It just makes me wanna shout out loud at all the absurdity and damage done by crazy, power hungry, heartless lunatics, and those selfish like me who have been turning a blind eye to them, intentionally or not! We reap what we sow! I blame no one but myself for what I've had to face and deal with, this madness and insanity introduced by a regime so ruthless and evil; this highly contagious virus from a country where freedom and the rule of law are unheard of among its people; and all these crackdowns and lockdowns as a result. We've been feeding a monster just to satisfy the monster inside of us! And look, what a monstrous world it has been! Only days to go before 2020 a very ominous and frustrating year comes to an end. But who knows how long before a real safe vaccine for the China virus finally arrives? How long before we get to take off goddamn masks? To see and hug our long-time-no-see friends and lovers? To dine out, to go to gigs or cinemas ...