
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Best & The Worst Of 2020

Year 2020! I don't know. It just makes me wanna shout out loud at all the absurdity and damage done by crazy, power hungry, heartless lunatics, and those selfish like me who have been turning a blind eye to them, intentionally or not! We reap what we sow! I blame no one but myself for what I've had to face and deal with, this madness and insanity introduced by a regime so ruthless and evil; this highly contagious virus from a country where freedom and the rule of law are unheard of among its people; and all these crackdowns and lockdowns as a result. We've been feeding a monster just to satisfy the monster inside of us! And look, what a monstrous world it has been! Only days to go before 2020 a very ominous and frustrating year comes to an end. But who knows how long before a real safe vaccine for the China virus finally arrives? How long before we get to take off goddamn masks? To see and hug our long-time-no-see friends and lovers? To dine out, to go to gigs or cinemas ...

Host (2020) - Be Respectful

  ★★★☆☆ Like I said, I'm kinda immune to horror films featuring any sorta ghosts, spirits, demons or stuff. It's not because I don't believe there's such a thing or disrespect them. It's because I feel like human are, judging by what we've done so far to ourselves and each other, somehow more vicious and demonic than any other creatures or beings in this realm or dimension. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. I do believe there's some other beings existing around. We don't usually get to interact with them because us and them are not connected. And it takes certain causes and conditions to make that happen. But I don't recommend you trying because I don't think they'd like to be bothered by you just as you don't like to be scared by them. If you happen to have to communicate with them by any chance, respect and humbleness are all you should have I guess. In 'Host', terrible things start to take...

Tenet (2020) - Not At A Right Time Maybe!

★★☆☆☆ To survive 'Tenet', you'd better first, have enough sleep the night before; second, have been a fan of Christopher Nolan's films and got the hang of his style and pattern of filmmaking; third, be quite into stuff like time, time travel, or sci-fi stories of challenging puzzles; fourth, have a little bit of knowledge of physics like 'entropy'. But you know what, it doesn't really matter! 'Tenet' is still going to intrigue at first, then ridicule and confuse, and at last, inevitably, turn you off! If you're too embarrassed to say you don't get it, I'm not at all. I wished to enjoy it, not to survive it. I wished to be uplifted, not to be given a real headache just trying to figure out what the hell is going on here, and what the point is! 'Try not to understand it. Feel it'. Okay, but feel what? We're told in the very beginning that there're inverted objects travelling backwards from the future. That you don't ha...

舒特拉的名單 (1993) - 來自哪裡 去向何方

  ★★★★★ 獲獎無數、真人真事改編的〈舒特拉的名單〉 (Schindler's List) 原來已經是二十幾年前的舊戲!接觸這部戲的時候,我應該還在讀中學,電視上播的。當年看,懵懵懂懂,感覺裡面發生的事距離自己很遙遠,電影也很長,過程頗悶,只是最後那幕有點感人。但現在重看,雖然電影長達三個多小時,但感覺很快過。過程卻令我非常不安和抑鬱:猶太人面對任人宰割的那種驚恐和無助;納粹軍官那種瘋狂和殘暴;那些地獄一般的景象;很多時候我都不忍直視,眼濕濕!最後那幕,猶如片中的舒特拉,我也同樣情緒失控,淚流滿面! 由只是「有點感人」到「淚流滿面」的轉變原因,我想除了人大了,閱歷多了,對那段二戰歷史的了解加深了,還有就是自己跟電影裡面發生的悲劇距離拉近了。因為自己所居住的這座城市--香港--眼看好似也漸漸變成一座「集中營」!以前我覺得政治關我屁事,只顧自己生活多賺錢就好,但現實是,政治跟個人生活根本不可切割。你不犯它,它都會來搞你!現在我們每天都要戴著口罩,很多個人的自由都要被迫犧牲,這就是政治影響生活一個最好最近最諷刺的例子! 其實一切都是 Karma ,有因必有果,香港、甚至說這個世界、走到今時今日這個可悲可憐的地步,都是我們過去有份種下的惡因所造成的惡果。過去我們太過功利自私,目空一切,為求金錢利益最大化,對一些不公不義反人類的事情隻眼開隻眼閉,甚至縱容包庇極權的滲透和洗腦!「惡魔」非一朝一夕形成,滋養它的是我們無盡的貪婪!雖然這個世界還有一些有良知的人存在,但畢竟是少數,「別業」難敵「共業」,最後清醒的少數都要被迫和醉生夢死的多數一起「埋單」! 「 The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history 」人類總是不斷重複過去所犯下的錯誤和罪行。電影片未字幕說二戰期間,德國納粹政權屠殺了六百多萬猶太人!這個數字實在令人咋舌,太恐怖!想像一下近乎所有香港人口死清光的情景!點解人類對人類可以做出如此殘酷冷血的暴行?主要原因就是那班所謂的人類,已經不視另一班人類為人類,而只是一些卑劣低等的物種或甚至是毫無價值的垃圾!只有視對方為垃圾或可惡如害蟲之類,你才能堅定地去剷除他們而覺得合理!過去香港的街頭抗爭者被當權者視為「甴曱」!有些人對踩死一隻甴曱不會有任何愧疚,反而...