
Showing posts from May, 2021

Wrath of Man (2021) - This Guy's Is Awesome!

  ★★★★★ Director Guy Ritchie is known to me only for his magic of turning the old and faded ' Sherlock Holmes ' into something new and modern, not perfect obviously but good enough to be remembered. I haven't got to check out any other film of his ever since, but I always appreciate his unique and innovative approach to some classic, ancient stories. 'Wrath of Man', Ritchie's latest, featuring action star Jason Statham, I don't know how many times they've worked together before but Statham seems to be a regular in Ritchie's films. Whatever, this is the best crime thriller I've ever seen in years, hands down. It's nerve-wracking, heart-pounding, and no bullshitting right from start to finish! There's no so called break-time in between. Not a single shot or sequence is purposeless. Every conversation makes you frown and agitate. Every kill and move brings about more puzzles. Every twist and turn makes you want to dig in more. It keeps you...

Army of the Dead (2021) - Already Zombies!

  ★★☆☆☆ When I first listened to The Cranberries' 'Zombie', it was simply a very catchy piece of rock ballad to enjoy. But years later, when I was wise and understanding enough to care about the lyrics, turned out the term zombie has nothing to do with what you see in zombie films. It's blatantly a very emotional, wrathful, accusing anti-war song to remind us of the hopelessness and ludicrousness of wars! What am I bringing this up for? Well, 'Zombie' is the theme song of Zack Snyder's latest 'Army of the Dead' which is about, as you might've figured, zombies. A good match, right? Nope! The song's grieving and heavy but the film's not, at all! It's only a bit better than last year's Korean ' Peninsula ', which appears to be nothing but a joke! Like what happens in 'Peninsula', they're doing it for money, again! I don't know what makes them think they're actually so poor and desperate to have to risk t...

鬼滅之刃劇場版無限列車篇 - 不要被悲傷吞噬!

  ★★★☆☆ 〈鬼滅〉是先有漫畫,後有動畫。但它爆紅,是因為動畫,不是漫畫!動畫因為有震撼的音效和華麗的特效加持,往往能遮蓋漫畫在故事劇情上的短板,客觀來說,〈鬼滅〉就是這麼一回事!如果你沒看漫畫,直接看動畫,或者你會覺得它都算精彩。但如果你先看了漫畫,或者你不會再有興趣去看動畫,因為〈鬼滅〉漫畫,無論是畫功、畫風、人物設定、還是說故事的技巧,都談不上有甚麼獨特深刻之處。不是說它差,但出色就絕對稱不上。我是先看了〈鬼滅〉第一季電視動畫,繼而忍不住心急去看漫畫,想知接著的劇情,豈不知越看越不起勁,真是虎頭蛇尾,不過最後都「捱」完!「十二鬼月」和「九大柱」之中,最有印象的、故事交代得算好的,就只有「上弦叁猗窩座」和「炎柱杏壽郎」,也就是這次劇場版無限列車篇的主角。 雖說他們是這次劇場版的主角,但如果想看到他們正面交鋒,還要等到最後三十分鐘!兩雄對戰的過程震撼嗎?不算!熱血嗎?一般!結局催淚嗎?有點失望!可能那些「震撼」、「熱血」和「感動」,在第一季電視動畫都已見識過,所以造成這種落差!前面提過,整部漫畫筆墨最多的,要數「上弦叁」和「炎柱」,但就算如此,在這個劇場版中,「炎柱」的背景故事也只是透過在他夢境和回憶裡,他和家人的幾句說話匆匆了事,導致最後催淚不成,反而讓我覺得有點造作!但印象中,漫畫好像不是這樣交代的,難道是我的錯覺?不過事實是,影片花了四分三的時間在下弦壹那隻「茄哩啡」和各人的夢境上,特別是炭治郎的夢境。可能是為了照顧沒有看過電視動畫的觀眾,為他們幫補劇情,但試問粉絲有誰沒看過電視動畫?想多了解「炎柱」過往的朋友,我想要等第二季電視動畫了。總的來說,影片只有一樣東西是真的令人讚嘆的,就是激昂的配樂。如何激昂,自己去感受吧! 雖然〈鬼滅〉的故事講真是沒什麼深度,但在這個被「武肺」折磨、被極權壓迫的時候,或者大家-包括我-都特別需要〈鬼滅〉這類簡單直接、勵志鼓舞的日式熱血和正能量,給我們繼續堅持下去的慰籍與希望!剛開始的〈進擊的巨人〉也屬於這類,但之後就變得越來越不倫不類!看完〈巨人〉第二季動畫我已意興闌珊、徹底放棄。但現階段我還是十分期待〈鬼滅〉第二季動畫,雖然我知它最後很大可能也會步〈巨人〉後尘,越後越爛、無疾而終!〈無限列車篇〉在日本的累積票房超越了原本第一位的〈 千與千尋 〉,但兩者根本不能相提並論。一部是各方面都堪稱完美的宮崎駿巔峰動...