
Showing posts from March, 2017

沉默 Silence (2017)

☆☆☆☆☆ 有兩類電影我是不論置評的。一類是嚴重扭曲道德觀念、鼓吹無謂的色情及暴力、且毫無藝術或娛樂價值的、連「一星垃圾」都不如的超級爛片;另一類是我覺得無論如何評價,給予幾顆星,都是不恰當、不應該、不公道、亦會引起不必要誤會的。 馬田史高西斯新作 〈沉默 (Silence) 〉屬於後者! 這是一套關於宗教信仰的電影。信仰從來都是非常個人的。或者大家都信佛,字面上對佛理的理解表達可能差不多,但各自對佛所指的最終真實的理解一定有不同。你所理解的涅盤,一定不同於我所理解的涅盤,但用文字表達出來,都是叫「涅盤就是無明的止息」。你我所理解的真實都不是真實,真正的真實是離言絕慮的,說得出來的,可以想像得到的,就不是真實。影片中有一段關於真實的對話,大家可以去慢慢咀嚼。強迫別人跟隨你的信仰是不智、且不慈悲的,為自己帶來煩惱之餘,更會為他人帶來不必要的痛苦,結果是導致大家離真正的真實越來越遠。當然,有時強迫不是因為他真的好心想導你走向真實 ( 雖然往往都是好心做壞事 ) ,而是純粹為了更好地控制你的思想,滿足他的私慾,鞏固他的權利,正如影片中那班所謂的日本佛教徒。 正信帶來建樹,邪信帶來破壞,沒有邪的教,只有邪的人。無論是耶穌還是釋迦牟尼,都是希望引導我們步向最終的真實,但我們往往誤以為他們的聖言就是真實,其實都只不過是通往真實的方便。我們可以聽從他們的遺教去理解去修行,最終見證真實,但千萬不要認為你的理解方法就是唯一的真理。人是擺脫不了二元對立的思考方式的,所以我們對真理的理解永遠只能是片面的,片面的理解不算是真實,只是真實的一部分,這是作為人的侷限與可悲,但只要你記住這點,你就會對他人的信仰自然生起一份理解、包容和慈悲! 〈沉默 (Silence) 〉有否刻意褒揚某教而貶低某教?我覺得這部戲沒有想宣揚或批判甚麼,純粹只是想探討人的信仰到底是怎麼一回事。信仰帶給一個人的力量和影響可以是非常巨大的,有人甚至可以為了信仰而不惜生命!其實根本無須等待你信仰的「主」去打破沉默、給予甚麼答案,如果你能夠做到信仰超越生命,你已經非常接近最終的真實了!

The Girl With All The Gifts (2017) - Good To Go If So!

★★★☆☆ There’re basically two sorts of zombie films. One is all serious to make you think. The other is just ridiculous to make you puke or laugh. ‘The Girl With All The Gifts’ is the former, like ‘ World War Z ’, and ‘ Train To Busan ’, made to upset us by forcing us to think about how much humanity’s worth, how far we would go to just survive and stay hopeful, and who we really think we are while facing devastating crisis or madness. ‘The Girl With All The Gifts’ is a decent zombie drama to check out though it may lack enough thrills that a zombie horror is supposed to deliver to some. It’s done a pretty good job in light of set design that looks so real, and score that’s absolutely spooky! Scares however, are rare. The opening is sure intriguing but the ending may not be so pleasing if you don’t feel like bringing it to an end is another brand new start! The film raises a big question in the end, ‘why should it be us (zombies) who die for you (humans)?’ Well, I guess it’...

Miss Sloane (2017) - Too Slick To Be True!

★★★☆☆ If you don’t know what lobbying is, according to Ms. Sloane (Jessica Chastain), basically ‘Lobbying is about foresight… The winner plots one step ahead of the opposition… It's about making sure you surprise them. And they don't surprise you.’ Still I don’t quite understand this walk of life and the people in it. That’s my bad. That’s probably the reason why I don’t feel engaged watching the film as well. They act intense and throw around a lot of political arguments but I don’t feel like I have to care. Not that ‘Miss Sloane’ is bad. To be fair, it’s a decent play-smart film that you would love, only if you’re a fan of such films, and Jessica Chastain herself. Like Ms. Sloane says in the beginning about lobbying, yea, she does surprise me in the end with a plot twist, but I just feel like the setup’s too smart and slick to be true! Right, things like that could be possible since it’s a cunning, formidable lobbyist like Ms. Sloane who would do whatever it takes to...

Headshot (2017) - 中文名是不是叫〈突擊失憶男〉?

★★☆☆☆ 又是他?沒錯,是不是覺得上面這位仁兄熟口熟面?如果你看過〈突擊死亡塔〉 一 或 二 ,一定認得他。香港有成龍、甄子丹,大陸有李連杰,泰國有 Tony Jaa ,印尼有他,雖然我不知道他叫甚麼名,也懶得去查了,反正覺得很快他就會 fade away ! 〈 Headshot 〉是他主演的最新印尼動作片,他繼續木口木面,但這次導演不希望他從頭打到尾,刻意為他安排了一段情,當然是非常牽強,毫無感染力。故事講一個惡魔,殺了一班孩子的雙親,然後培養這班孩子成為殺手,而其中一個孩子醒悟想脫離,當然惡魔不會放過他,結果九死一生後他失憶,兼遇到一個不知為何很愛他的女孩子,然後這個女孩子被惡魔抓了,於是他英雄救美,層遞式殺敵,最後當然又是打大佬,劇情是公式化兼荒謬的,我也知道這是動作片,故事我已經懶理,無奈動作設計也沒甚麼超越之處,反倒是拍攝手法有點新鮮,但也就如此而已了! 這齣電影其實是想講愛與寬恕,但畢竟是打片,而且導演功力有限,始終觸不到深處。看罷,無端端腦海裡想起某仁兄說過的一句真言「 Hell sent us the most evil disease and we humans called it ‘Love’ 」。所以佛不講愛,講慈悲。慈悲是一種無處不在的 Luxury ,我不是在玩文字遊戲,這是事實,特別對現代人來說!

Allied (2016) - Try Like You Have To!

★★★☆☆ If there was no Brad Pitt, I wouldn’t have checked out ‘Allied’. But as a film of Robert Zemeckis’s, who used to direct great works like ‘Forrest Gump’, ‘ Contact ’, ‘ Flight ’, ‘ The Walk ’, the film’s a bit of a letdown to me in fact. The story’s nothing deep or thrilling. In the first half, he teams up with her for a mission. It’s the Assassinations. In the second, he’s told that she’s not who he thinks she is. It’s then the Investigation, which ends up pretty melancholic though. The film’s filled with nostalgia and romance. The costumes and props are well crafted to look real and convincing. The cinematography is much appreciable! If you expect a romantic spy film, ‘Allied’ would sure satisfy. It’s however, not an action kind. It’s just a made-up love story that’s able to move a bit but won’t stay in your mind for long. The film’s a tragedy, yet another reminder that you can’t simply erase who you once were and try to move on before you’ve actually settled with i...