
Showing posts from October, 2011

Horrible Bosses - More Than Decent.

(2011)  ★★★★☆ What if your boss is like one of those in ‘Horrible Bosses’ that is so mean, so cruel, so sick, so much of an abuser, a sadist or a psycho, you name it? What’d you do? Easy. Quit the job. No, you can’t, because they’d make sure you end up in misery by besmirching your reputation in the business. So again, what’s you gonna do? In the end, I guess you may have no choice but to end them? Of course you don’t have to do it yourself. In the film, 3 miserable guys, Nick, Dale and Kurt want to hire a hitman to finish their bosses played by Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston and Colin Farrell. The problem is, it’s not at all easy to get a pro to do the job. They assume they can find one in the most dangerous bar in town, where Jamie Foxx’s Motherfucker Jones turns up as someone seemingly fit for the job but…okay, enough of the plot. ‘Horrible Bosses’ is a mesmerizing comedy that has plot twists to surprise and tons of dirty jokes and talks to entertain. You’d get to hear a ...

那些年,我們一起追的女孩 - 曾經的輕狂和熱血

(2011)  ★★★★☆ 有些人很有做導演的天份,例如美國的 James Cameron ,中國的姜文,香港的彭浩翔,還有這位來自台灣的九把刀。很難想像〈那些年,我們一起追的女孩〉是他的第一部作品,手法太純熟了吧!無論是對白、音樂、選角、畫面構圖、剪接、節奏、故事推進等都掌握得很好,值得稱讚! 〈那些年〉的故事主要是講一個搗蛋鬼和一個模範生,彼此從互相討厭到互生情愫,最終那份曖昧能否讓他們走到一起?這大家買票入場看就知道了。可以告訴你的是,結局並非那麼「單純」,過程也毫不「台劇」,男的沒有刻意耍酷,女的沒有刻意扮甜,一切看上去很舒服,也很美,特別是陳妍希扮演的沈佳宜。至於其他幾個配角,我想只是為了配合一些惡搞的氣氛而已,影片對他們的著墨不算多,不過沒有了他們點綴,這部電影一定失色不少,起碼片名一定要改了。 片中有很多誇張情節,為的是凸顯年少輕狂,不讓青春有遺憾的那份熱血。當然,我看得滿心歡喜,年少的回憶不斷湧現。除了「上課打手槍」,「在爸媽面前脫光光」和「搞 fight club 」我沒有做過之外,年少的我可以說和片中的柯景騰相去不遠。現在回想,還真覺得幼稚,但也正是有那些幼稚輕狂的行為,青春的回憶才顯得格外精采有味道。學生時期我常常鼓勵自己: To be great , I gotta be crazy ,憑著那份 craziness ,我才熬過了那段很多學生都覺得很無聊的歲月。現在的我,毫無疑問,已經沒以前那麼熱血了。學佛之後,思想和行為都比以前克制和理性,雖然偶爾還會衝動做錯事,但事後會自省,而不會把責任推給別人。人始終是感性的動物,而熱血是非理性的範疇,要做到理性的熱血,談何容易,正如佛陀要我們「無所住而生其心」,同樣 easier said than done 啊。 很欣賞〈那些年〉的結局,頑皮的情節加上玩味的概念,點出如何才算是真正愛一個人。我想,不是我們不明白如何才算是真正愛一個人,只是我們很難像柯景騰那般灑脫罢了。

奪命金 - 如果……

(2011)  ★★☆☆☆ 如果杜琪峯拍〈奪命金〉是為了警惕我們「人為財死」的愚蠢與荒謬,那他有可能會被氣死,因為本應最震攝人心的最後一幕,卻引發陣陣笑聲,原來觀眾只把銀幕上的悲劇當作喜劇。可能他們的笑聲是想表達:我絕對不會做那麼荒唐的事。但我會反問一句:真的嗎?其實,我沒有資格反問,因為當時我也笑了。 如果杜琪峯拍〈奪命金〉是為了玩弄觀眾,那他是達到目的了。無論是節奏,敘事手法,剪接或配樂,都是他一個人說了算,完全不會顧及觀眾的感受,例如開場那三十分鐘,我差點以為自己在看某財務公司的借貸廣告。中間故事的交叉發展配合高超剪接,讓我們錯誤期待會有驚喜發生,但其實整個故事真的平淡得不能再平淡了。沒有讓子彈飛的英雄式浪漫,沒有男性情誼,沒有懸疑元素,沒有慢動作,毫不「杜氏」,很多觀眾到最後都是遙遙頭走出戲院,我想他們都很想送杜大導一句:杜 Sir ,你好樣的! 又如果杜琪峯拍〈奪命金〉是為了讓劉青雲的演技更上一層樓,那他算是成功了。戲中的劉青雲表現得大智若愚,十足一個港產「阿甘」。至於那個甚麼詩,甚麼齊的,都只是閒人、襯托而已,誰演都無所謂。 可能大家都知道:「金」本身非善非惡,它不會傷害你,更不會奪你命,奪你命的其實是你自己那顆貪婪的「心」。只要你做到「無心」,也就不怕會被奪命了。問題是,你做得到嗎?

春夏秋冬又一春 - 輪迴無主,本性光明

(2003)  ★★★☆☆ 春天:小和尚用石頭綁著魚、蛙和蛇,高興地看著它們掙扎……老和尚於是也用石頭綁著小和尚,讓他體驗失去自由的滋味……小和尚悔過,哭了。 夏天:小和尚長成青年。一個女孩子來寺院養病,他抵受不住她的誘惑,犯了戒……後來更為了她而還俗。 秋天:青年犯了殺戒,逃到原來的寺院找老和尚。他殺的人就是他當年深愛並為之還俗的那位女子,最終他逃避不了法律的懲罰。老和尚也以自焚的方式圓寂,臨終留下了眼淚…… 冬天:青年已成中年,出獄後回到原來的寺院。他找回老和尚的舍利供奉,自己也希望以苦行來抵銷過往犯下的罪業……一位看似很痛苦的蒙面婦女帶著一個男嬰來到寺院,她半夜遺下男嬰,獨自離去,卻不慎掉入冰冷的湖裡淹死了…… 又是春天:當年被遺棄的男嬰已變成小和尚,他在重複當年那個小和尚的惡行,用石頭虐待魚、蛙和蛇,不過方式更加變本加厲…… 韓國導演金基德專拍偏鋒題材,作品多涉及性和道德的掙扎。這部影片也少不了一些情慾鏡頭,但不露骨,相比他的其他作品,這是少有的一部比較溫和、富哲理的電影。唯美的畫面,精巧的故事結構,當中很多細節都有強烈的象徵意義,但主要探討的是有關輪迴以及本性善惡的問題。 輪迴是一個大課題,我沒有足夠智慧在這裡說三道四,但有一點大家必須知道:無明是輪迴的動力。而無明其中一個最主要的表現就是不明因果,所以我們會覺得好人沒有好報,人善則會被人欺,因此我們不惜為惡,作惡使我們更加無明,如此惡行循環,我們則更加墮落,這某程度上解釋了為何小和尚會覺得虐待動物是一件好玩的事情,如同我們大人看到有人倒在血泊中卻無動於衷。 而本性善惡的問題,佛陀在人間示現成佛,其實是在告訴我們,人皆有佛性,人性本善。如果人性本惡,那悉達多根本不可能成佛,因為無論他如何修行,他都無法改變他惡的本性。正如一件髒衣服,我們之所以能把它洗乾淨,正是因為衣服本身不是髒的,我們洗的不是髒衣服,而是衣服上的髒東西,衣服本是乾淨,不需要我們清洗。當我們衷心寬恕懺悔的時候,就是我們最貼近本性的時候。 不是不喜歡這部片子,只是覺得影片的格調和宣揚的佛理有點灰暗和扭曲。佛法是積極而且充滿光明的,但這部影片無法給予我那種溫暖的感覺!

Cars 2 - Mine To Blame.

(2011)  ★★☆☆☆ I don’t think it’s a good idea to humanize vehicles, you know with two eyes on the windshield to see, a mouth in the front to talk, two rear-view mirrors as ears and four wheels to play arms and legs. That seems so weird, doesn’t it? I can hardly feel involved while viewing ‘Cars’ and ‘Cars 2’, so I think I’ll pass any sequels of that kind if there’s any coming. ‘Cars’ is not at all exciting. ‘Cars 2’ is even worse though it involves a lot more vehicles, explosions, chases and a secret agent plot. It’s a well-made, good-to-look-at computer animation, but I don’t find any of the vehicles cute or lovable. I kind of know why. Unlike animals in animation features, cars are nothing but lifeless steel to us in reality. We’d find it hard to accept that they could act and have feelings like us. ‘We’ here means some of the grownups with fixed minds. Honestly, having a fixed mind is a damn thing, so people like me who have a problem with ‘Cars’ are sort of pathetic. Inno...


多數佛經都是佛陀答弟子所問說的法,但《阿彌陀經》是佛陀自己主動宣說的,是佛陀對我們最真誠的勸告,佛陀怕我們心量小,無法接受這樣的教導,所以他在經中不厭其煩地強調這個法門的殊勝之處。 《阿彌陀經》是一部樸實無華,值得我們尊崇的經典。感謝佛陀的慈悲,我們得聞如是方便法門,能往生極樂淨土修行佛法,再以不退轉的菩提心踏上成佛之道。 往生極樂是一種執著,但所謂擇善固執,這種執著是必要的,只有依靠這種執著,才能達到最終的無所執著。所謂三界唯心,萬法唯識,淨土是我們心識所現而已,但不代表它不真實,沒有作用,這個世界也是我們的心識所現,那你覺得實在嗎?

Real Steel - A Loser And His Great Son.

(Hugh Jackman, Dakota Goyo and Atom) (2011)  ★★★☆☆ ‘It’s not time to make a change. Just relax and take it easy. You’re still young. That’s your fault. That’s so much you have to go through…’ Right, these are the lyrics of a song by Cat Stevens called ‘Father And Son’. ‘Real Steel’ is also about father and son, but the difference is, it’s not about the son being consulted by the father. It goes the other way round. It’s set in the near future, say, 10 years from now, when men no long want to get in the ring and fight. Instead, they use robots to beat the hell out of each other. This film, therefore, seems less violent but more adrenaline boosting. A retired boxer cum sort of a loser, Charlie Kenton (Hugh Jackman), keeps getting himself into underground robot boxing with a view to making ends meet and paying off his debts, but he fails over and again till his unexpected son Max (Dakota Goyo) finds a champion in an abandoned sparring robot. The story is inspiring. The robot f...


(2011)  ★★★★☆ 當其他同齡小孩子都在追求吃喝玩樂的時候,十歲的悉達多(後來的佛陀)卻整天鬱悶:人為何會死?為何要死?死後又會怎樣? 當奴隸查普拉處心積慮、不顧一切想成為貴族的時候,年輕的悉達多卻百思不得其解:為何人一生下來就有貴賤之分?為何有階級歧視?為何人不能選擇自己的命運? 當其他人在打獵中得到快感的時候,悉達多卻不明白:為何人會樂此不疲地傷害其他生物,乃至自相殘殺? 當將士們在沙場上殺得怒火中燒、喪失理智,大喊:衝啊──殺啊──的時候,悉達多卻大喊:住手啊! 當查普拉以拘薩羅王國勇士的身分,騎著戰馬,手拿長劍,奮不顧身地衝向悉達多,欲取他性命的時候,悉達多並沒有舉起武器反擊,他甚至沒有自衛的意識,他只是用慈悲的眼神注視查普拉,頓時,一切都凝住了……那一刻,我差點兒留下了眼淚! 之後,查普拉選擇不再逃避,接受自己奴隸的身分,並和媽媽相認,這也意味著他將徹底失去一直以來辛苦奮鬥所得到的一切,但現在的他深知:媽媽比世間任何名與利都要重要。 此刻的悉達多也決定放棄王位、名利、世樂,出家修行,為受苦的眾生追尋徹底的脫苦之道。他深夜拜別父親妻兒,卸下華衣麗飾,剃去頭髮,走上了成佛之道,當然其途漫漫……〈佛陀:美麗的紅色沙漠〉只是日本漫畫大師手塚治虫長篇漫畫〈佛陀〉動畫化的首部曲(聽說總共有三部曲),所以好戲還在後頭。 論畫面質素,〈佛陀〉只能說是電視劇場版水平,跟宮崎駿的動畫電影相差甚遠,但勝在其配樂出色,人物立體,內容豐富感人。如果其畫工能再趨細緻,〈佛陀〉勢必成為動畫經典。 這是一部沉重的動畫片。小孩不宜入場,一來部分場面頗血腥,二來他們未必看得懂。人總是要到達某個成熟的階段,才會開始反省生命的意義。這可以說是做人的幸運,也是做人的悲哀。綜觀大多數人的一生,不惜承受那麼多的苦,為的是甚麼?為的就是獲得悉達多當初決定放棄的東西,真的很諷刺。悉達多以行動告訴我們,現在我們所苦心追求的一切,最終並不能給我們帶來快樂。 「以充滿人情色彩,描寫佛教創始人釋迦牟尼的傳奇人生」,這句電影宣傳口號只說對了一半,「充滿人情色彩」沒錯,但釋迦牟尼(佛陀)從來沒有創造甚麼佛法,佛陀只是發現離苦之方法而已,更沒有創立甚麼佛教,佛陀更不會自稱是佛。所謂佛,佛法,佛教,都只是世人執著而已,而攀緣執著卻恰恰是苦之根源,又是一大諷刺啊!

Are You Crazy Enough?

很有意思的「蘋果公司」廣告。 有改變世界的熱忱是好事,但也要注意手段。 如果手法太激,思想過偏,隨時都會危害蒼生。 其實,改變世界的人和破壞世界的人 某程度上都屬同一類人 他們都是「瘋子」! Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Drive - Why Such An Ending?

(2011)  ★★★☆☆ An impressive opening. A confusing ending. What’s in between is part romance, part horror, part violence. A part time stuntman cum getaway driver (Ryan Gosling) losing his own cool for saving the best thing that’s ever happened to him in his life, a woman named Irene (Carey Mulligan) and her young son, from a chain of dangers triggered by her problematic ex-con husband. It’s about the twist of fate; about how far you’d go for love. A well-paced, stylish film with emotional dialogues and a depressing theme and charismatic performances by Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan. I’m fine with the whole thing except for the ending that doesn’t seem to make any sense to me.

The Tree Of Life - God Knows!

(2011)  ★★★☆☆ Mother and father Grace versus nature A life long struggle A sinful pain Will it presumably Come to a bad end? How did I come to you? Mother, father, and brother Are we chained? Are we free? Must we die to go to Heaven? Must we die to come alive? How did it all begin? How would it all end? Would we be able to see the root Of this tree of life? Its causes and conditions In whatever shape and disguise?