Hachi: A Dog's Tale - The Meaning Of Loyalty

(Richard Gere and Hachi) (2009) ★★★☆☆ Don’t judge it by its title. This is not a Japanese film. It’s a Hollywood production based on a true story about a dog named Hachi’s unbelievable loyalty to its owner Parker (Richard Gere). It keeps waiting for almost 10 years outside a train station for Parker to come back even after his death at work. How unbelievable, don’t you think? To stay loyal to someone or something, one must have strong faith. Strong faith comes from the ability to love and be loved. So loyalty isn’t a bad thing or a good. It could be hurting yourself or others if you push it too far. Say, if you believe that killing your enemies could accelerate you to Heaven (I guess that’s what suicide bombers all believe), your loyalty’s destroying you. But if it’s based on love and care for others instead of selfishness or extremism, it’d help you become a holy figure like Hachi itself, and eventually enlightened, meaning you’d no longer suffer from any kind of pain. Tha...