Flight (2012) - Have You Had Enough?

★★★★☆ ‘Flight’ opens with a naked woman waking up to a morning alarm call. Beside her lies a man (Denzel Washington) reluctant to get up, seemingly suffering a hangover. On the nightstand beside him are bottles of hard drinks and cigarettes, suggesting he’s a heavy drinker & smoker. We don’t know his name, and what he does just yet. Here comes something shocking, this guy has to suck cocaine before he can finally get out of the room and get to work. Now we know, judging by the uniform he puts on, that he’s an airline pilot. Right, you may’ve guessed, as you see in the trailer, that he’s going to cause the plane crash. Yes, the plane’s going to crash but it’s got nothing to do with his addictions to alcohol and drugs. He kind of saves the day on the contrary. It makes him a hero, just not the one people normally see, but the one he needs for himself. ‘Flight’ marks the return of Academy Award winning (1994’s Forrest Gump) Director Robert Zemeckis to live action films since...