10 ★★★★★ Rock Albums That Used To Be Part Of Me (INPO) - Part 2.

Zealous, fun, powerful pop punk sound. ‘Move Along’ MV struck me so back then. This sophomore of theirs sure would make you feel like The All-American Rejects could be something so great, but pitifully they’re not quite. Their following efforts ‘When The World Comes Down’, and ‘Kids In The Street’, are just there to tell they’ve somehow lost their touch. Soon they’re gonna have to fade I guess, but ‘Move Along’ will stay. This is an album you have to take a few listens to get addicted to. The lyrics may seem a bit bizarre but the music is so mesmerizing. ‘Hot Fuss’ that makes The Killers the best British band from America, is a no-idea after all, but ‘Sam’s Town’ is certainly more on reality than fantasy. Whether or not you’re a fan of The Killers, only if you’re a rockaholic, I suggest you take a ride to ‘Sam’s Town’. Chuck is a guy who saved Sum 41 from a war zone. So this album is in fact a dedication to Chuck himself, and those peacekeepers risking their lives to kee...