
Showing posts from June, 2013

10 ★★★★★ Rock Albums That Used To Be Part Of Me (INPO) - Part 2.

Zealous, fun, powerful pop punk sound. ‘Move Along’ MV struck me so back then. This sophomore of theirs sure would make you feel like The All-American Rejects could be something so great, but pitifully they’re not quite. Their following efforts ‘When The World Comes Down’, and ‘Kids In The Street’, are just there to tell they’ve somehow lost their touch. Soon they’re gonna have to fade I guess, but ‘Move Along’ will stay. This is an album you have to take a few listens to get addicted to. The lyrics may seem a bit bizarre but the music is so mesmerizing. ‘Hot Fuss’ that makes The Killers the best British band from America, is a no-idea after all, but ‘Sam’s Town’ is certainly more on reality than fantasy. Whether or not you’re a fan of The Killers, only if you’re a rockaholic, I suggest you take a ride to ‘Sam’s Town’. Chuck is a guy who saved Sum 41 from a war zone. So this album is in fact a dedication to Chuck himself, and those peacekeepers risking their lives to kee...

10 ★★★★★ Rock Albums That Used To Be Part Of Me (INPO) - Part 1.

Hybrid Theory, a monster album in terms of smash hits, avant-garde Nu metal style, Chester’s stunning vocals with Mike’s impressive hip-hop beat blending perfectly together. Like a wakeup call for mundane lives out there, it opened up a door for me to other genres of rock music. Linkin Park’s debut, their best to date. Inconceivably stylish and cool. Country rock legends The Eagles playing unplugged for their 1994 reunion concerts. I used to be able to sing, not only those in this album, but all of their songs by heart. One of the greatest bands on earth hands down! Here they present a sentimental, spectacular live album I’ve ever listened. Some find it boring. I find it the most captivating album of Coldplay’s. ‘Parachutes’ is good but not great. ‘X&Y’, ‘Viva La Vida’, ‘Mylo Xyloto’ are pop stuff honestly. Only ‘A Rush Of Blood To The Head’ is the best act they’ve ever done. Christian rock, alternative rock, post grunge, hard rock, name it, they just don’t car...

Stoker (2013) - No Idea!

★★☆☆☆ It’s been quite a while since I last sat myself down for a film. Being less interested and patient in such stuff, I’m no longer a moviegoer, not an addicted one for sure. So I may shut this blog down one day, but not anytime soon. For the time being, I’ll keep dropping nonsense some may consider, but I guess there’s always something important here for you to keep in mind! Korean Park Chan-wook’s English debut, ‘Stoker’, is indeed a stylish piece, in light of cinematograph, sex appealing, disturbing sound effects and music, and the way the story is edited and told. Park’s ‘ Oldboy ’ truly gives a heart attack, while ‘Stoker’ looks less suspicious, melodramatic and brutal, and delivers no thrills even as the final truth’s revealed. This film’s rather superficial. It’s for Park to show off his directorial skills only. The ending is clueless, and of no surprise. It just leaves audiences questions like, what the hell is going on in their minds? Jealousy? Libido? Depressio...

致我们终将逝去的青春 (2013) - 頭腦發熱的故事

★★☆☆☆ 不要誤會,〈致〉並非大陸版的〈 那些年 〉,它整體的格調是嚴肅多於頑皮,哀傷多於搞笑,沉鬱多於熱血。瓊瑤電視劇的乏味情節,緩慢的節奏,造做的陽光畫面,無甚演技的演員,片長超過兩小時,除了兩段幾秒長的 Suede 音樂外,整齣戲幾乎沒有音樂襯托,只有環境聲音加對白,更要命的是,我不喜歡 Brett Anderson 那妖艷悽慘的聲音,跟「青春」根本就不搭調嘛。這部趙薇的處女作,比起同樣演而優則導的姜文的〈 陽光燦爛的日子 〉,感覺差遠了。 〈致〉講的是一些頭腦發熱的愛情故事,頭腦發熱現象多發生在青春期,電影頭半部分講青春的人怎麼去愛,後半部分講不再青春的人怎麼看青春。對於愛情, 我是這麼看的 。至於青春的時候,應不應該響應發熱的頭腦,不顧一切去愛?當然,你有你的選擇,但記得,每個選擇都有代價,都是煩惱。除非你超越三界,脫離輪迴,要不然,你所謂的自由意志的選擇,全都只是自己的業力使然,說實話,你並不自由! 想當年,我也曾經頭腦發熱過,現在也偶爾會熱一下,但已經不會(特別是學佛之後)再為愛情而哭天搶地,痴痴呆呆了。不顧一切去愛,其實是一種非常自私的行為,是頭腦發熱的病症,是一切苦的開始。可惜,我們總是要在不顧一切去愛過、撞得頭破血流之後才有這種覺悟。或許,一切都是青春的錯吧! 影片唯一可圈可點之處是其結尾──乾脆俐落,不拖泥帶水,甚有韻味。如果沒有這個頗浪漫的「自圓其說」的驚喜結局,這部電影就真的是 trash 了。