
Showing posts from March, 2014

海角七號 (2008) - 不值一提

★☆☆☆☆ 〈 海角七號 〉(後悔看了)跟日本人有關,〈 賽德克巴萊 〉(幸好沒看)跟日本人有關,〈 KANO 〉(不會看了)還是跟日本人有關。我覺得魏德聖不應該住在台灣,卻整天想念日本,他應該索性移民日本,變成日本人,拍日本戲! 這部電影的「成功」,多少反映了還有不少台灣人懷念被日本人統治的時期,正如也有些香港人懷念被英國人統治一樣。中國人管中國人難道就是那麼專制刻薄?說到底,根本不關制度的問題或誰統治誰的問題,而是人貪婪的問題。如果人的這種根本劣根性解決了,就什麼問題都解決了,統治者與被統治者之間的永恆角力會消失,甚至沒有所謂的統治者與被統治者的分別。當然,這種理想不會出現,除非人人信行佛法!不過,我認為西方的民主制度,比起中國的中央集權制,在制衡人的慾望膨脹方面,是相對比較有效的。 人是喜歡犯賤的,總要等到失去才懂得珍惜。所以,我們只會抱怨眼前,懐緬過去,妄想未來。小孩想長大,長大的想變做小孩。寂寂無聞的想名利雙收,名利雙收的想遠離煩擾。結了婚的懷念單身的自由,單身的渴望結婚的幸福。沒孩子的想有個孩子,有孩子的想擺脫孩子的束縛。有工作的想退休,退休的嫌沒事做悶得慌。我們就是如此生活在種種緊張與矛盾之中,因為我們「散亂」,缺乏「正念」。而沒有「正念」主要因為我們不知道我們從哪裡來,將往哪裡而去! 這部電影根本不值一提。沒有什麼好看,沒有什麼好說,也沒有什麼好想。我越來越覺得:其實,沒有什麼地方,沒有什麼時光,沒有什麼人或事,真的值得去朝思暮想,除了阿彌陀佛的尊嚴淨土!

Lone Survivor (2013) - All You Need Is...

★★★☆☆ I’ve been unwell these few days, both physically and mentally, but I know it’s all but my mind working in a wrong direction. That it’s nothing compared with what they go through in ‘Lone Survivor’, a war film based on a true story that tells how four SEALs make their way out of excruciating hell! Can’t say it’s good but it’s got some qualities to it like the sound mixing and the makeup effects and the pace that doesn’t seem to rush and end in awkwardness. I like the opening of the film in particular where things look intriguing, calm and kind of peaceful, a great contrast anyway to what’s going to happen next. The setup is gripping. The combat is painfully realistic. The deaths are all heroic. Still I’m not convinced by Mark Wahlberg’s performance. He looks to me more like a clown than a solider in there, and doesn’t seem to fit in at all. I don’t know. Maybe it’s not him. It’s just me! ‘Lone Survivor’ may not be memorable, but it does teach two things, that you neve...

死亡動新聞 (2013) - 不用那麼「灰」吧

★★☆☆☆ 有時,我懷疑韓國人是不是有點兒精神分裂,他們拍的電視劇那麼浪漫悽美,而電影卻那麼陰暗沉重,盡揭人性醜陋。看〈死亡動新聞〉這類電影,閣下最好有成熟的心智,否則你會對人、對政府、對法制、對這個世界完全失望。 看這部電影,腦海難免浮起多年前另一套類型相似的經典〈 Phone Booth 〉。相比之下,〈 Phone Booth 〉的格局較小,但也更貼近現實,令人看得更投入,而〈死亡動新聞〉的場面較大,牽涉面也較廣,也因此出現一些令人摸不著頭腦的地方。例如大橋第一次爆炸之後,為何警方沒有立即封鎖現場?還讓記者留在現場報導?為何沒有檢查現場是否還有炸彈?第二次爆炸之後,為何不想辦法讓受困的人逃生?他們大可扔救生圈給受困的人,叫他們跳海啊!片中幾次猛烈的大爆炸,我在想,那需要多少的炸藥呢?需要多少時間去安裝呢?怎樣安裝呢?一個人(所謂的恐怖份子)又能否辦得成呢?而最後男主角面對生命危險的時候,為何不是驚慌逃生,反而是冷靜地設下了一個圈套,引罪犯入局?如此種種,都讓我看得不是味兒! 〈 Phone Booth 〉可以說是 preacher ,過程合理刺激,結局正面積極、有陽光;而〈死亡動新聞〉則是 punisher ,過程令人懊惱,結局「灰暗」非常。或許我不介意那些「灰暗」,加上本片的配樂跟特技還不算馬虎,所以它不算一文不值,至少它讓我更懷念〈 Phone Booth 〉!

American Hustle (2013) - Lies Upon Lies!

★★☆☆☆ No doubt about it, ‘American Hustle’ is a stylish film in terms of music, costumes and cinematography, but the dragged-out story itself is by no means engrossing. And I find parts of it not at all convincing though some of it really happened. The ending is not so big of a surprise as it should. You may not be able to figure exactly how it’s going to end up, but you learn more or less right from the beginning, seeing how Irving (Christian Bale) rejuvenates himself in front of the mirror, that this film’s got to be of lies upon lies! Like it or not, life itself is a big lie. We’re the ones living and fighting for it. Inside of this big lie, or big illusion if you will, we’re making up many, many small lies to make it look much sophisticatedly attractive, but deep down we all know that life’s totally not what it seems. Life’s unfortunately full of beautiful lies, and pathetically, we need them! They work as sort of an anesthetic to ease our yesterday’s penances and tomorrow...

宇宙海盜夏羅古 (2013) - 不夠玩味

★★☆☆☆ 這是一部令人感覺複雜的 CG 動畫。看的時候頗覺壯麗悅目,看罷卻腦袋空空。原因?故事太薄弱、零碎,雖然片長接近兩個小時,但到最後好像還有很多事情沒有說得清。如果你只是追求感官刺激,這部電影絕對滿足你所需,片中的視覺效果已經逼真得有點過分了!但偏偏,我是一個著重故事的人!無奈,電影製作有時就是這樣顧此失彼,〈宇宙海盜夏羅古〉的劇本其實是可以更有玩味的,可惜! 論創意,我覺得這部 CG 動畫比〈 阿凡達 〉有趣得多。片中提及一些宇宙運行的理論,例如「時間結」,跟所謂的「蟲洞」有差不多的意思。把宇宙所有「時間結」引爆,宇宙就可以歸零而從頭再開始,這也是拯救地球的方法之一。聽起來十分荒謬,不過一件事情是否荒謬,是站在人類的邏輯認知層面去判斷的,但人類又憑什麼說「科學邏輯」就絕對不荒謬呢?人類所認知的宇宙,只是宇宙真正面目的一小部分而已,宇宙蘊含大量匪夷所思的東西,人類是沒辦法去完全明白解釋的,因為人類本身有太多的局限! 佛家說「成、住、壞、空」。有生,就有死;有開始,就有結束;有存在,就有消失。我們生活的世界,是虛妄相對的世界,我們總有一天要離開這個世界,這個地球總有一天要毀滅,這些都是自然不過的事情。我們往往糾結於「空」,而忘了「空」之後又是「成」。我們從虛空中來,還往虛空中去。生命沒有結果,只有過程!

Dallas Buyers Club (2013) - The Best Actor... That's All.

★★☆☆☆ Personally I don’t like this film. It gives me sort of a bad feeling while some may find it hopeful and encouraging seeing how Ron Woodroof (Mathew McConaughey) turns from a scumbag into an AIDS hero fighting for his life and so called justice. I however, feel like he’s just got no choice but to do whatever he can to live on and fill up his wallet by the way. He’s nothing but a money-minded, selfish businessman that happens to be in the right place doing the ‘right’ thing! There’s basically nothing impressive about this film except for Matthew’s great dedication to his role, or say, his sacrifices for the film should be indeed appreciated. I’m not sure if he really enjoys playing such a character but I definitely feel his desperation to want to make a change or a breakthrough for his seemingly unpromising career in acting. He’s undoubtedly the Best Actor of the year! I don’t know why, while watching this film, what Dalai Lama said about Hollywood lately keeps popping...