The Best & The Worst Of 2015

Christmas’s coming. The year’s ending. It’s time to reveal my ‘The Best & The Worst of 2015’. ‘Almost Buddhist’ has been running for more than 3 years now. I thought of giving it up few times but I’ve somehow managed to keep it alive. Actually it’s been like a very close friend of mine that sometimes I found so enjoyable talking to. You may or may not like what I’ve been saying here since it’s all very personal indeed. But I guess one ought to adopt a comfortable way of his own to communicate with himself from time to time so as not to get lost between his needs and wants. And turns out this is quite an effective way for me! Still there’s a possibility that I might call it quits someday, when I feel like I’ve said enough here, or there’s no one interested in what I’m saying anymore, or I no longer have the intention to find anything sensible in any films. Things y’know, will stop and go away or turn into something else when the conditions are ripe. So will ‘A.B.’! But until th...