
Showing posts from December, 2011

See Ya Next Year

今天是 2011 年的最後一天 有人說 2012 年的幾月幾號將是人類的末日 其實、是又怎麼樣,不是又怎麼樣 記得有本書叫《 Tuesdays With Morrie 》 裡面說「我們都相信我們會死 但我們都不相信我們很快就死 只有知道如何死 才知道如何生」 沒錯,這就是我們的顛倒 所以就算我們明年就完蛋了 也未必是壞事 如果你能把每一天都當作「末日」 那你將真正活在當下 你的生命將無比美麗 你所看到的世界也會是美好的 借用宗薩欽哲仁波切的話 「祈願任何佛所教 自然內化入於我 願我自然能了悟」 願大家相信因果 願大家相信「善良」,遠離「邪惡」 因為在這個時代 為惡容易,從善難啊 告別變幻無常的 2011 迎接我們的同樣是變幻無常的 2012 祝各位在無常中 了悟永恆的快樂!

我的華麗皮囊 - 活著輪迴?

(2011)  ★★☆☆☆ 中國人有句俗話:相由心生。內在如何,外在也必如何,人要改變,必須從「心」改起,也就是從思想觀念著手。那如果把你的外貌連聲音,甚至性別,每寸髮膚都改造成另一個人,你的觀念、價值觀、記憶、性格、思想模式等內在的一切是否也能隨之改變呢?這個問題的答案,我們都心中有數吧。〈我的華麗皮囊〉則為此故弄玄虛了一番。 影片不怎麼現實,也不怎麼科幻,定位模糊,故事荒謬,情節不合理。唯一有點吸引我注意力的,是其非線性的敘事手法,也因為如此,所以開頭你會看得有點糊塗,看到戲裡的人做事也挺糊塗的,戲里戲外都稀里糊塗。這種講故事的方法目的是為了給你驚喜,嚇你一跳,但現在的觀眾太聰明了(不包括我),一切都盡在他們的意料之中。聽聞這是一部探索「我」的電影,所以看了。過程,沉悶;結果,失望! 我在想,為甚麼那位醫生只為那個人換了皮囊,而不將其記憶也更新呢?可能技術還做不到吧?也可能他覺得這樣做更過癮,更能折磨人?我又想,如果將來科技能把一個人的「內」和「外」都一併換掉,結果會怎麼樣呢?果真如此,我們就能隨時「變身」了,而且你不會覺得自己變了,如果你覺得自己變了,說明你還在對比,還有以前那個「我」的記憶。果真如此,輪迴就不用等到死後了,活著輪迴?當然,活著輪迴也只是一種幻覺,就算記憶和皮囊可以更新,皮囊包裹的東西也會隨時間衰老的,除非……越想越心寒。 這又證明了佛說的「無我法」,所謂的「我」只是五蘊:色、受、想、行、識、聚合互動的錯覺。五蘊變,「我」也變,對「我」的認知也會變,所以根本就無「我」。試找一找,你所謂的「我」在哪兒?認真找過的人都應該會有一種恐怖感,因為根本找不到,但卻覺得有。如果有,那「活著輪迴」就不可能了……好了,不想再天方夜譚了。

龍門飛甲 - 兵出奇策?

(魅力非凡的陳坤) (2011)  ★★☆☆☆ 看完影片,有點頭暈。戴著兩幅眼鏡(近視眼鏡 + 3D 眼鏡)看電影,感覺真不好受,以後會儘量避免入戲院看 3D 電影了 ,除非了 IMAX 3D 不得不看的好戲 。 掛名中國首部武俠 3D 電影,〈 龍門飛甲 〉 的 3D 效果確實挺出色的,不過比起〈 阿凡達 〉 還是有些差距。影片最大的亮點是陳坤,他一人分飾兩角,有型有格,十分搶戲,李連杰頓然成為大配角,其他角色也都只是配菜,出場幾分鐘,耍耍兵器,發發暗器,廢話幾句而已。不過最不滿意的還是武戲, 「威也 」式打鬥太多,再加上 3D 效果,看得我眼花繚亂,頭暈轉向,有點想吐。 「武 」不行, 「俠 」氣感覺也欠缺,可能跟薄弱的劇情有關(有些情節明顯是為凸現 3D 效果而作,也不考慮合不合理了 ),這讓我更加懷念 〈 新龍門客棧 〉 等徐克的舊作。 看來徐克的武俠片已經很難在劇本和武打層面上再作突破了,他也沒什麼輒(奇策)了,港產武打片輝煌的時代已經過去,即使老頑童嘗試以 〈 阿凡達 〉 技術再創新,也只不過是新瓶舊酒罷了,問題是「新瓶」的吸引力有限,而「舊酒」也沒有當年那麼醇了。畢竟時代變了,我們也變了。

MI4: Ghost Protocol - Simply A Hi-Tech Show!

(2011)  ★★★☆☆ I gotta say that what attracts my eyeballs is not Tom Cruise or his stunts at all. Come on. Face it. He’s getting older, plus weirder and less popular due to his religious belief in whatever cult that is. Like it or not, hi-tech gadgets steal the show. Without them, the crew could simply accomplish nothing but sit and wait to be terminated. MI 4 is a hi-tech showoff. It’s quite entertaining to see how they use them to facilitate their jobs, but it’s not pleasing to see the long hair Ethan Hunt. I know I’m being unreasonable here, but don’t you think he should cut his hair? He looks more like a desperado than a secret agent! To me, MI (1996) is a classic, but MI 4 is just a fair piece of entertainment. I can hardly consider it good. Truth is, a good story doesn’t necessarily need any actions, but a good action film must have a great story to stand out. MI 4’s story is pretty exaggerated and cliched. No matter how serious it gets, the good always beat the bad you...


這幾天,我在想,佛陀當年決心出家,遍訪名師,勤修禪定,六年苦行,在菩提樹下沉思七天七夜,然後抬頭仰望天上星星,他覺悟了。他到底覺悟了甚麼?他到底發現了甚麼? 作為佛子,我們都會脫口而出地回答:緣起唄!沒錯,是緣起。佛陀當年覺悟的無非就是緣起性空的道理──萬物皆無自性。說明白點,就是一切皆無常,緣聚則生,緣散則滅。佛陀覺悟了這些道理,他解脫了,成佛了。現在,我們這些佛子也明白緣起的道理,但為甚麼我們還沒有覺悟,還沒有解脫,還沒有成佛,依然活在各種苦之中呢?答案很簡單,我們只在享受佛陀覺悟到的成果,而沒有經歷佛陀所經歷的,所以我們是「知」緣起,而不是「見」緣起。那經歷佛陀所經歷的,就一定能覺悟嗎?也未必,但起碼你會比那些沒有經歷過的人更接近「緣起」。 佛陀提倡中道,不要我們走極端,但他也沒有否定勤修禪定和某種程度的苦行的必要性啊。當然,我們無須像佛陀當年那樣極端折磨自己,有時候,別讓自己過得那麼舒服就是一種苦行;別事事太過隨心所欲就是一種苦行;別讓自己的反應太過自然就是一種苦行;修禪定也是一種苦行,因為我們的心不喜歡安定,它喜歡隨著種種念頭和慾望跳躍,而我們卻對它極為放縱。 在末法時期,修定和持戒(苦行的一種)都顯得十分困難。物質的誘惑越來越多,道德觀念越來越薄弱,我們更喜歡花時間去追求感官刺激,錢財,名利等種種讓「自我」的存在變得更安全,更舒服的東西。其實,認真想想,幫人(布施)也是在鞏固自我,加強我執,如果不持戒,不修定,根本不可能一步步做到無相布施。所謂的不斷幫人,做好事,最終把行善變成一種習慣,我覺得只不過是「自我」的另一詭計罢了,目的是引誘你乖乖的在輪迴苦海中繼續浮沉。假如能輪迴得更好,也是不錯的事,不是嗎?也許吧。不過你得想想,佛陀為我們說法到底為的是甚麼?是希望我們輪迴得更好,還是希望我們解脫輪迴? 兩千多年前,佛陀覺悟了緣起,得到了徹底的解脫。兩千多年後的今天,知道緣起法的人已經不多,相信這種道理並堅定修行的人更是少數,就算知道,也只是停留在「知」的層面,我們沒有興趣,沒有時間,也沒有勇氣讓自己真正「醒過來」。在輪迴中打滾的我們一直都在自欺:覺得這個世間有種東西值得我們窮畢生的精力去追求,它叫幸福。我們也早已習慣在苦中作樂,而不知「生而為人」這本身就是一種苦果。如果佛陀再來,看到我們如此顛倒,想必他會很傷心吧!

One Day - Love's Pain That We Can't Get Enough!

(2011)  ★★★★☆ ‘One Day’ is extracted from things that take place on a particular day, July 15 th , between Emma (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter (Jim Sturgess) from 1988 to 2011. They hit it off on their college graduation but I guess they think of each other more like a friend than a proper date. They after all don’t have sex even though they end up in bed together on the first day they meet. I consider sex the necessity in love, but we don’t pretend to love just to have sex, do we? If you do, I don’t because I simply can’t. I think the reason why they don’t have sex as they’re supposed to is that they have different point of view on sex and love, and essentially, which must come first in a proper relationship. Does Emma love Dexter? Absolutely. Does Dexter love Emma? I doubt. He prefers playing the field to having a life-long partner. He’s far too young to realize what he’s doing would only bring him sorrow and pain later. They’re meant to be together, but tell you what, it’s no...

Life In A Day - Life's Not Beautiful!

(2011)  ★★★☆☆ ‘Life In A Day’, a Scott Free production, collects thousands of clips shot on July 24, 2010 from around the world. They’re soundly edited and made like an ode to life itself. It reflects both the bright and dark side of human nature, so I got a mixed feeling after seeing it, if you know what I mean. One of the clips that interests me is about a Korean man traveling around the world only on his bike. He’s been through a lot of setbacks during the journey but he didn’t give up and is still doing it. I appreciate his stamina, strength and perseverance. I wish I had the same courage and determination like his, not to travel around the world, but to become a monk and save people from sufferings. If I have to travel around to do that, ha, I’m willing certainly. Also there’s a clip that thrills me near the end of the film. It features a girl in a car with her face close to a camera recording in night mode, saying things like life was not surprising; her day was nothi...

Zookeeper - Avoid It!

(2011)  ★☆☆☆☆ It’s interesting to be told that all animals can talk like we do, but they don’t because they don’t want to scare the hell out of us; and that you know parrots have done a pretty job pretending. It’s however, by no means interesting to check out a film like Zookeeper so preposterous and full of hot air. With lousy dialogues and characters and unusual stuff happening so usually, this film really doesn’t make any sense and is certainly not funny. Another dumb show you should of course avoid. Period.