The Cabin In The Woods (2011) - Be Stupid And Enjoy!


Said that this movie’s ending rocks. That it’s gonna freak you out with twists and turns. That you’ll never guess it. Well, I kinda did. I just never thought it’d be that preposterous and say, ridiculously apocalyptic. Of course, if you’re a fan of mindless horrors or cult films of blood-splashing and limbs-flying, you’ll love a treat like this. But I’m not. I found it pretty boring in fact!

‘The Cabin In The Woods’ is definitely not a conventional horror film though it seems like one at first. It’s actually a tribute to all sorts of horrors that have ever happened. The opening appears to be quite intriguing with guys in white shirts and black ties like secret agents for the Government indicating something serious is up, but they don’t look serious at all. Then we meet the chosen, 5 kids setting off to a cabin in the woods to party. Why is that they’re chosen? That’s for you to find out. I’m not giving it away, but in a film like that, y’know it’s only natural that they’re gonna die one by one. All I wanna say is, the whole thing's nothing but a setup. Be a little bit stupid, and you may love it.


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