
Showing posts from February, 2016

紀念日 (2015) - 繼續的理由

★★★★☆ 如果不是因為影片那個令人驚訝心酸的結局,我真的沒甚麼想說。不是因為這部電影很差,相反,這是一部非常值得大家去細味的電影,當中有關兩性關係、人與人的相處、婚姻、母愛、親情種種畫面,都是入心入肺的。「紀念日」無論是劇本、音樂、演員 ( 除了方力申 ) 、故事等各方面,都是很到位的!我看完沒甚麼好說,是因為關於愛情,好像我過去都說了不少,不想老調重彈了。再者、「愛」永遠都是說不清的,只能用心去感受,然後跟著感覺走,而感覺是主觀非理性的,所以擺在各人前面的,無論是單身還是在戀愛,是結婚還是離過婚,有子女還是不想要負累,永遠是揮之不去的掙扎與悔恨! 這是一部一不小心就會讓你落淚的電影,但一點都不煽情,一切自然流露,那個度掌握得非常好。可能因為經歷多了,見識多了,現在看這類愛情電影已經很難會流淚,類似看「我的父親母親」從頭哭到尾的情況,應該不會再發生了!裡頭某些場景,角色的內心掙扎,刺激神經的對白和獨白,還是相當催淚的,但我始終沒哭,因為我知道激動的內心說話或者慾望,無論說出來或表現出來是多麼感人,終究是虛妄、是輪迴不斷的動力。人世間有種種的紀念日,因為我們有種種的放不下! 無止境的恨與無條件的愛,其實是同一樣東西。若無相欠,怎會相見?人與人之間的關係,說穿了,無非就是討債還債、報恩報怨而已!某人會無止境的恨你,因為前世你欠他的;某人會無條件的愛你,因為前世他欠你的。所謂冤冤相報何時了,恩恩相欠也是沒完沒了的,可是人活在這個世間,又很難做到無拖無欠,無所執著。這個世界因為不圓滿所以是圓滿的!有時,除了這樣安慰自己,我已找不到其他讓我繼續的理由!

Spotlight (2016) - Don't Lose Heart!

★★★☆☆ ‘Spotlight’ sells nothing short of an attractive drama that involves a bunch of good actors, a decent script, a gripping score, and a load of sensible dialogues that help move the narrative, but since it’s based on true events, you probably know what’s gonna happen in there. The so-called ugly truth is not so ugly as you should’ve been told by news that the whole system has been running effectively and discreetly for ages. ‘Spotlight’ is nothing refreshing but still serves as a strike on your religious belief if that takes up the most part of your life. You should however, keep in mind that it’s not the religion itself going wrong in any way. It’s just the people! The film could work like a horror that sickens rather than a drama that shocks, especially when you realize that someone you so religiously trust and look up to can use your weaknesses and as a result make you their slave! Yet they don’t have to face the consequences as they’ve got a secret system to protect th...

The Hateful Eight (2016) - Not His Best!

★★☆☆☆ If interested to check out Tarantino’s 8 th out of total 10 he’s planning before he finally retires, you’d better be ready to be bombarded with nonstop nonsense despicable characters keep delivering in more than two hours time. ‘The Hateful Eight’ to me is not the best of his. ‘ DjangoUnchained ’ and ‘ Inglorious Bastards ’ remain so far! The story’s non-linearly told. There’re loads of dialogues to doze you off intentionally or not, but also sudden twists and extreme violence to wake you up! So it’s after all not a tedious experience to see eight strangers scheming against one another in a small remote cabin out in the snow, but really not an engrossing one in any sense! Maybe Tarantino should try something new in his next two films left rather than keep copying the genes of his past success. They’ve become sort of boring and predictable! I don’t mind restless bullshit as long as it intrigues and helps build up the mood. Neither do I mind extreme violence but pointless...

Creed (2016) - A Good Spin-off.

★★★★☆ ‘Creed’ is a terrific demonstration of how a motivational film is supposed to be like. It’s a very good job again by Director Ryan Coogler after the impressive ‘ Fruitvale Station ’ also starring Michael B. Jordan, in terms of blood boiling score, sensational acting by Stallone in particular, and exceptional boxing matches, one of which is even amazingly shot in one long take. The film engrosses throughout though to some the training sessions are kind of routine and the cancer stuff might be more or less of a cliché. One of the things that still strikes me is how determined and courageous Creed junior seems to be to quit his decent day job even after a lately promotion so as to live his ambition as a professional boxer. He seems not to hesitate a bit when handing in his resignation and taking right off without bothering to explain a thing to his boss. I wonder how many of us would have such determination and courage just like that when it comes to jumping out of the comf...

The Good Dinosaur (2016) - A Reminder.

★★★☆☆ ‘The Good Dinosaur’ is not good enough to be remembered, but it’s more or less a piece of educational tearjerker for a family to sit down together some time to learn and share and keep in mind what actually matters the most to one’s life! The story’s too simple to feel thrilled, the setup a bit too weird to feel involved, the characters not memorable! Parents may find it boring and awkward at some points but certainly moving especially at the last scene. Kids would enjoy it for sure, and they may probably look at their parents and wonder when it ends, why they have to feel so sad about it. Family and love, I guess, are things that we can’t live without. That’s what guides and leads us when we’re lost lacking sense of belonging. People who are problematic are usually those going without adequate love and care from their family. I don’t doubt the necessity of independence but we all just need a place to rest our troubled head sometimes. And one thing we must concede, that ...

Straight Outta Compton (2015) - It's Not The Place Though!

★★★☆☆ Rap music’s never my cup of tea but I appreciate it particularly when I feel like there’s a fire burning inside me, and I just wanna get it right out. No doubt rap’s dangerous and wrathful since it’s not really created to help make love or make peace but to instigate and provoke the oppressed to stand up and fight. ‘Straight Outta Compton’ is an intense drama based on true events telling how a super rap group gets started, lost, split up and regrouped, and why. What they gain and lose doesn’t quite matter in fact. It’s what they learn afterwards for their lives! The film’s full of dynamics, anger, struggles and conflicts not everyone would really care to bear, but I find it fairly exhilarating and educational. What makes rap unique or say, makes some think it’s not art is that it’s extremely straightforward, unpretentious, and daring that it doesn’t mind pissing anyone off at all. Sure it’s dangerous but it’s dangerously efficient in raising our awareness of how sick we ...