Straight Outta Compton (2015) - It's Not The Place Though!

Rap music’s never my cup of tea but I appreciate it particularly when I feel like there’s a fire burning inside me, and I just wanna get it right out. No doubt rap’s dangerous and wrathful since it’s not really created to help make love or make peace but to instigate and provoke the oppressed to stand up and fight.

‘Straight Outta Compton’ is an intense drama based on true events telling how a super rap group gets started, lost, split up and regrouped, and why. What they gain and lose doesn’t quite matter in fact. It’s what they learn afterwards for their lives! The film’s full of dynamics, anger, struggles and conflicts not everyone would really care to bear, but I find it fairly exhilarating and educational. What makes rap unique or say, makes some think it’s not art is that it’s extremely straightforward, unpretentious, and daring that it doesn’t mind pissing anyone off at all. Sure it’s dangerous but it’s dangerously efficient in raising our awareness of how sick we and our stereotypes can get at times.

To me, ‘Straight Outta Compton’ is just an ironic expression, a short-term escape from whatever you hate the most, but y’know it’s not gonna do you any good in the long run anyways. The truth is, we’ll never be able to really get outta anywhere. It’s not the place that makes the people. It’s the people that make the place!


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