The Hateful Eight (2016) - Not His Best!

If interested to check out Tarantino’s 8th out of total 10 he’s planning before he finally retires, you’d better be ready to be bombarded with nonstop nonsense despicable characters keep delivering in more than two hours time. ‘The Hateful Eight’ to me is not the best of his. ‘DjangoUnchained’ and ‘Inglorious Bastards’ remain so far! The story’s non-linearly told. There’re loads of dialogues to doze you off intentionally or not, but also sudden twists and extreme violence to wake you up! So it’s after all not a tedious experience to see eight strangers scheming against one another in a small remote cabin out in the snow, but really not an engrossing one in any sense!

Maybe Tarantino should try something new in his next two films left rather than keep copying the genes of his past success. They’ve become sort of boring and predictable! I don’t mind restless bullshit as long as it intrigues and helps build up the mood. Neither do I mind extreme violence but pointless violence against women? I don’t know I could take how much more of that, or if I should see it as a joke.


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