Spotlight (2016) - Don't Lose Heart!
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★★★☆☆ |
‘Spotlight’ sells nothing short of an attractive drama that involves
a bunch of good actors, a decent script, a gripping score, and a load of
sensible dialogues that help move the narrative, but since it’s based on true events,
you probably know what’s gonna happen in there. The so-called ugly truth is not
so ugly as you should’ve been told by news that the whole system has been
running effectively and discreetly for ages. ‘Spotlight’ is nothing refreshing
but still serves as a strike on your religious belief if that takes up the most
part of your life. You should however, keep in mind that it’s not the religion itself
going wrong in any way. It’s just the people!
The film could work like a horror that sickens rather than a drama
that shocks, especially when you realize that someone you so religiously trust
and look up to can use your weaknesses and as a result make you their slave! Yet
they don’t have to face the consequences as they’ve got a secret system to
protect them, and some nonsense to help rationalize what they do. So it’s not
surprising at all that a number of victims have committed suicide, and only few
of them has lived. It’s pretty scary indeed to see someone you think you can
count on as an angel is actually a lackey of Satan! But just don’t lose heart because
as long as there’s evil, there’s god. They always need each other to keep going
just like everything else is compound!
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