Passenger - Whispers

Who: Passenger
Where: British
What: Folk/Rock
When: 2014

I’ve been drowning in Passenger’s songs lately. Passenger is not a band. It’s just this one English singer-songwriter who’s got a great voice, and capable of making lyrics that tell stories and allow you to simmer down and feel as a human being! His music’s truly a comfort for those like me living in a city full of annoying noises most of the time. He left school at a very young age, and started off as a nobody but a busker on streets, and now has made his way to stardom, performing in stadiums in front of thousands of people. Still he writes songs true to his heart, and doesn’t care if they make it to the chart. Not everyone has the courage like he did to be determined to leave the comfort zone and stick to his dreams. Maybe we all need to drop the fear for being failed and hurt again so that we can get through the shadows and discover what’s probably more beautiful ahead!
‘Whispers’ is one of Passenger’s albums that I appreciate the most. No ‘Try It’ link from now on. Go get it yourself if you care. Hope you’ll know how to make the best of your life afterwards. Peace!


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