No Time To Die (2021) - One Last Visit!



I looked. It’s the 25th James Bond film. Wow, 25th? How many years are we talking about here? I remember there was already Mr. Bond on VCR jumping around, making use of high-tech gadgets, kicking and shooting when I was just a kid! But that was it. I’m sure I quit it long time ago, because a spy film like that is sort of carefree and senseless most of the time. Still, why did I check out ‘No Time To Die’ while I had no time to write? I like Daniel Craig, and this is his last as James Bond so…

I said I quit it long time ago and it’s true, even if I like Daniel Craig as an actor, I’ve watched none of his James Bond films before ‘NTTD’, so I don’t know who’s been dealing with who and what, and how I’m supposed to feel the tension here. Well, speaking of which, I don’t think the film would get you on tenterhooks anyways as you know the story is more or less of a cliché where super Bond gets caught up in a super plan to control the world with some super genetic weapon by a super villain seemingly. Turns out in the end they’re all merely flesh and blood. That’s the only good news though, that makes me feel like it’s not a total waste!

I don’t know why people, well most of, are so obsessed with the power of control over whatever, human lives, animals, plants, weather, the Earth itself. They do whatever it takes to make sure things go where they want them to go and be what they want them to be. But how, while they can’t even get to control themselves? The world is going mad like it always has because we all tend to be thinking about how to control others rather than ourselves.

Daniel Craig’s saying goodbye here for one last time as James Bond. By being told of that, I guess you might’ve figured how he’s going to end up already. ‘NTTD’ is not so bad after all. Take it a travelogue going with fluid action and a bit sad yet ‘magnificent’ finish, you’ll manage to sit it out!


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