The Ides Of March - What A Show!
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(2011) ★★★★☆ |
I hate politics and politicians.
This is a film about politics, a surprisingly exciting one about politicians telling lies, playing dirty and screwing one another up for benefits of their own while acting in front of the public like a remarkable figure of integrity and loyalty, like someone trustworthy enough to lead the country for all of us.
George Clooney’s direction honestly is a lot better than his performances. The spotlight of the film is in fact on Ryan Gosling’s Stephen Meyers, who works for Governor Mike Morris’s campaign manager, Paul (Philip Seymour Hoffman). Mike’s competing against another strong candidate to want to be able to finally represent the Democrats to run the Presidential election coming. He’s leading as the polls say, but he and his team can’t be sure that they’ll win enough delegates. Stephen’s smart and becoming the mastermind of the campaign. Someone gets jealous, and some see him as a threat. Things, therefore, go inevitably tricky and ugly for him. Right at this point, you know it could’ve probably turned into a film of pure vengeance, but it stays on track. Politics is politics. There’s no blood but only accidents.
Like I said, this is a very exciting politics drama under George Clooney’s careful and smart direction. It’s so well plotted and scored. Things are not that straight as they may seem. People are not that right as they may look. We can only guess what’s going to happen but we can’t be sure at all. There’s an atmospheric scene: Mike’s threatened by Stephen to get rid of Paul. After having his hair cut, Paul walks out and up to Mike’s car. He’s invited in for a talk. The camera moves closer and stares at the car for about 30 seconds or so, then Paul gets off and looks… I don’t know the right word, betrayed, pissed off, disappointed and a bit perplexed maybe. Philip Seymour Hoffman’s a great actor. This scene’s memorable.
I used to feel like politicians were somehow worth our respect since they were so courageous and unselfish to stand out and do those hard jobs for us. Now I know they’re all liars. Face it, they’re not out there for the people but their own benefits. They promise their people a lot of things but when their people are in trouble and need some help, they say ‘ask not the country can do for you; ask what you can do for the country’. You know that’s bullshit if you think on it. A politician has to be shady, just like a killer has to be cold-blooded. If you don’t think so, this film will change your mind for sure. Mine already did long time ago. I no longer buy those goosebumpy speeches given by politicians. You got to know that they can’t when they say they can.
‘The Ides Of March’ makes me hate politics and politicians much more, but it’s kind of gripping and chilling to see how they play!
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