Edge Of Tomorrow (2014) - Are You Aware?

There’s a saying: yesterday’s history. Tomorrow’s a mystery. Today’s a gift. But what if you have to live today over and again and again? Would you still consider it a gift, or a curse or what? I guess it all depends whether or not you’re aware of the reason why you’re undergoing it.

‘Edge Of Tomorrow’ has the same setup like that in ‘Groundhog Day’, that is, tomorrow never arrives, except that there’s nothing romantic or funny or thrilling; and this time we’re even told why it is so. As a matte of fact, I’d rather it went without explaining like ‘Groundhog Day’ does, because before the reason’s revealed, it still manages to intrigue a bit, but after that, things become routine and predictable. The actions become rather irrelevant. So the ending’s but a turnoff, at least to me.

When we feel sick of life sometimes inevitably, we’re usually given a pep talk like we gotta live this life as though it’s the only one we’ve got. Truth is, we’ve already lived like no tomorrow. We just do what we do without considering the consequences. We so enjoy being here with no interest to care where we came from and where we’ll be going. We come and grow and die. And we keep coming back for more. We don’t seem to wanna stop the circle even if we’ve learned how. To most of us, yesterday’s long forgotten. Tomorrow’s still tempting. Today’s… well, not bad! No, we’re not aware of what’s going on at all!


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