Anomalisa (2016) - A Puppet Show Not For Fun!

Loneliness like there’s no one and nothing you can connect to is quite a shitty hard thing to deal with, because basically only you and you alone ought to face it to make peace with it. That could be dangerous though if you mess up. Your fears and confusion could be further enlarged, and as a result, you’d be misled to do stupid things that might end up causing you and others unnecessary harm! ‘Anomalisa’ is essentially a film about that.

Of course this seemingly depressive, dreamy, audacious, melancholy piece of stop-motion puppet show could be a lot more than that like midlife crisis, loss of identity, alienation, psychoanalysis on sex and love, needs and wants, and stuff, depending on how you look at it with what you’ve been through by far. ‘Anomalisa’ is not a usual puppet show for fun. All the characters, male or female, seem to have the same face and a man’s voice, except one ‘special’ woman popping up in the middle. It’s not for kids because it’s too creepy and deep and naked. Since there could be a lot more than meets the eye, it’s bound to be ambiguous and elusive. Some might have no clue what’s really going on in there. Some might consider it a great show because it shares exactly how they feel to be in the sate of anxiety and perplexity about life and whatsoever.

Neither am I moved by ‘Anomalisa’ nor disappointed! I just feel like it should’ve been more specific, and well, led to a slightly better ending. That’s also what I wish for my life, and everyone else’s!


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