Death Note (2017) - Seriously!?

The Japanese ‘Death Note’ is a thought-provoking crime thriller full of wits and suspense and plot twists. This Hollywood adaptation however, seems nothing like the original. At certain points, I feel like I’m watching a stupid love story instead of a supposedly gripping catch-me-if-you-can mind game! The story aside, the characters are paper-thin and forgettable, especially L, who is supposed to be very special and charming. The cast is of a total disaster so to speak. And those awkward songs and pointless slo-mo are absolutely preposterous! Seriously the film would just make you go like WTF whether you’re a fan of the original ‘Death Note’ or not!

‘Karma’s a bitch’! That’s something you’d say when you feel like good people don’t get what they deserve, and bad people get what they don’t deserve! Well, first off, karma’s not that simple as you think. It means an action that actually involves loads of causes and conditions. And when you talk about actions, you have to talk about time that is another complicated subject. Second, what is good and what is bad? Is there so called a good thing or a bad that is always good or bad to anyone in any time? Karma, a word that is blatantly overused and misinterpreted by modern people, is certainly not a bitch. It’s always fair and reasonable. If you feel like it isn’t, it’s just you not being wise and mindful enough to see how it works!


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