IT (2017) - More Like A Joke!

Yea, this is another Stephen King adaptation among many others happening this year. Though it’s considered the best by a lot of positive reviews, I can barely say I’m satisfied with a horror film like this.

We’re never told what IT is throughout. Apparently IT is not a human sicko or weirdo or anything like that coz IT can show up anywhere anytime in any way IT likes, and disappear without a trace. So it gotta be some sorta supernatural phenomenon. Some said it’s an ET or an alien. I said I don’t care, coz I’m no longer interested to find out more after done watching IT. To me, IT is just a slow-paced, acting-absent, boring, emotionless piece of so called a horror that delivers nothing but shallow scares. The only thing that seems to be able to give me goose bumps sometimes is its sound effects!

Said that IT feeds on fears. If you don’t fear IT, you can defeat IT, but not physically, nor when alone. I have no idea why! Well, it’ll explain later I guess, as this is just Chapter One of I don’t know how many chapters coming up before the whole picture, which I’m pretty sure I won’t be checking out anyways. Speaking of fears, I think the biggest one is the fear of death. We fear of death coz we feel like we’re constantly living and there’s this thing called death to end it. The truth is, a moment is all we are. We’re dying every split second! It’s just that we’re pathetically too distracted to see that!


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