The Best & The Worst Of 2013.

I no longer see myself as a film junkie coz, as you may’ve realized, I’ve written stuff about movies much, much less than before. Not that I’m lazy or busy. Just that I’ve become choosy, and don’t wanna waste my time checking out trash anymore, unless it’s my day job to do so! I guess now I’m only a PTM, Part Time Moviegoer, and still pathetically an AB, Almost Buddhist! But I’ll be closing this blog when I become a complete.

I didn’t watch so many films as some of the movie maniacs did out there last year. In fact, I watched so few that I can barely list out the so called top ten must-see in 2013, but here’s what I consider the best and worst:

The Best:

Title: Gravity
Year: 2013
Country: America
Director: Alfonso Cuaron
Starring: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney
Pros: The story, the underscore, the acting, the special effects… ‘Gravity’ truly is a spectacular I’ve ever seen in recent years, that’s to remind us to ought to appreciate life every now and then. And that never underestimate our will to survive. There’s always a way out as long as we stay hopeful and hang in there long enough. It made me breathless all along, and when Ryan (Sandra Bullock)’s capsule finally hit the atmosphere, I almost cried…

Cons: maybe Ryan’s hair ain’t supposed to look so fixed out there in space, but that’s not at all important and obvious, is it?

The Worst:
Title: Kick Ass 2
Year: 2013
Country: America
Director: Jeff Wadlow
Starring: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloe Grace Moretz, Jim Carrey
Pros: I can’t think of any. Anyone can, drop me a comment to let me know.

Cons: ‘Kick Ass’ is decent and encouraging, while this sequel somehow looks so stupid in any sense. A film you should ever avoid no matter if you wanna get bored or entertained. Jim Carrey condemns violence in the film that he’s in. I condemn myself for killing part of my life to check out things like that.

Advice: squeeze time to see The Best even if you’re super busy, best in IMAX 3D; and if you’ve got a whole lot of time to kill, kill it with something else rather than The Worst!

All right, to those ever paid little attention to ‘Almost Buddhist’, Happy Chinese New Year in advance. Wish you guys all the best sincerely. Keep in mind: Yesterday is GONE. Tomorrow is NEVER better. Today is ALL you’ve got! See Ya!


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