Under The Skin (2013) - It Gets Under Mine!

Honestly I can’t make head nor tail of ‘Under The Skin’ that some consider hideously beautiful. Well, I don’t understand how something hideous could be beautiful or beautiful be hideous at the same time, but I guess that’s how people feel about art films in general. Anyway it seems bizarrely stupid to me, probably because a) I’m no fan of Scarlett Johansson; b) it delivers no story but a lot of make-no-sense stuff, and quiet still moments; c) nothing thrilling going on really like there’s supposed to; d) the underscore indeed pretty disturbing; f) last but not least, I was never warned that art films are not necessarily beautiful. That they could be rather gloomy-doomy in fact!

‘Under The Skin’ is obviously too abstract and bleak for me. It really gets under my skin and makes me feel a bit uneasy since I’m convinced that this is a big bad world full of big bad wolves. The good are few. The bad are a lot. Suppose we can still tell the good from the bad!


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